Sep 23, 2024  
2014 - 2015 CNM Catalog April 2014, Volume 47 
2014 - 2015 CNM Catalog April 2014, Volume 47 [The CNM Academic Year includes Fall, Spring, Summer Terms]

Course Descriptions


Medical Lab Technician

School of Health, Wellness, & Public Safety (HWPS)

  • MLT 1592 - Clinical Coagulation Laboratory

    1 credit hour(s)

    (Pre- or corequisite: PHLB 1090 ) (Corequisite: MLT 1012  + MLT 1092  + MLT 1390  or MLT 1510  + MLT 1692  + MLT 2011  + MLT 2092 )

    Presents basic coagulation concepts with practice performing the procedures. Also introduces advanced principles and procedures performed in the coagulation laboratory.
    • 45 lab hours
    • Typically offered Fall term only.


  • MLT 1692 - Clinical Hematology Laboratory

    2 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: PHLB 1090 ) (Corequisite: MLT 1012  + MLT 1092  + MLT 1390  or MLT 1510  + MLT 1592  + MLT 2011  + MLT 2092 )

    Presents experiences for performing the basic procedures in a hematology laboratory including the identification and enumeration of blood cells.
    • 90 lab hours
    • Typically offered Fall term only.

  • MLT 1792 - Clinical Immunohematology Laboratory

    2 credit hour(s)

    (Corequisite: MLT 1014  + MLT 1192  + MLT 1511  + MLT 2010 MLT 2592 )

    Provides experience in clinical blood bank.
    • 90 lab hours
    • Typically offered Spring term only.


  • MLT 2010 - MLT Microbiology

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Corequisite: MLT 1014  + MLT 1192  + MLT 1511  + MLT 1792  + MLT 2592 )

    Presents clinical bacteriology, mycology and parasitology including macroscopic and microscopic identification of organisms, antibiotic susceptibility testing, life cycles and the pathology and etiology of various diseases. Virology is introduced.
    • Typically offered Spring term only.

  • MLT 2011 - Clinical Chemistry

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: PHLB 1090 ) (Corequisite: MLT 1012  + MLT 1092  + MLT 1390  or MLT 1510  + MLT 1592  + MLT 1692  + MLT 2092 )

    Presents the principles and methods used in testing for chemical components in blood and other body fluids including basic instrumentation.
    • Typically offered Fall term only.

  • MLT 2092 - Clinical Chemistry Laboratory

    1 credit hour(s)

    (Pre- or corequisite: PHLB 1090 ) (Corequisite: MLT 1012  + MLT 1092  + MLT 1390  or MLT 1510  + MLT 1592  + MLT 1692  + MLT 2011 )

    Presents experiences for performing the basic procedures used in a clinical chemistry laboratory including basic chemistry instrumentation.
    • 45 lab hours
    • Typically offered Fall term only.


  • MLT 2592 - Clinical Microbiology Laboratory

    3 credit hour(s)

    (Corequisite: MLT 1014  + MLT 1192  + MLT 1511  + MLT 1792  + MLT 2010 )

    Identifies the microorganisms of clinical significance from specimens obtained from patients. Students utilize current methodologies and identification techniques.
    • 135 lab hours
    • Typically offered Spring term only.


  • MLT 2790 - MLT Clinical Experience

    10 credit hour(s)

    (Prerequisites: MLT 1014  + MLT 1192  + MLT 1511  + MLT 1792  + MLT 2010  + MLT 2592 )

    Provides clinical practice in affiliated clinical laboratories with rotations through hematology/ coagulation, microbiology, chemistry and Immunohematology divisions. This course has a Web-based component. This is credit/no credit course.
    • 450 clinical hours
    • Typically offered Summer term only.


Military Science

School of Communication, Humanities, & Social Sciences (CHSS)

Students may register at CNM for the University of New Mexico Military Science Studies program. Uniforms and textbooks are provided. Because these courses are offered at the main campus of UNM, students should contact UNM before enrolling.

Credits in Military Science may NOT be applied to any associate degree or certificate at CNM.

  • MSL 1092 - Foundations of Officership Lab

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Corequisite: MSL 1101 )

    Training on basic soldier skills and tasks, such as land navigation, basic rifle marksmanship and movement as a member of a fire team and rifle squad. Practical application of field craft and soldier skills in a tactical environment.
  • MSL 1101 - Foundations of Officership

    1 credit hour(s)
    Introduction to competencies central to the responsibilities of a commissioned officer. Establishes a framework for understanding officership, leadership and Army values in addition to life skills such as personal fitness, time management and stress management.
  • MSL 1102 - Basic Leadership

    1 credit hour(s)
    This course expands on the fundamentals introduced in MSL 1101  focusing on communication, leadership and goal setting. Course builds on the previous course exposing students to different methodologies of critical thinking and problem solving.
  • MSL 1292 - Basic Leadership Lab

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Corequisite: MSL 1102 )

    Continuation of MSL 1092 .
  • MSL 2092 - Individual Leadership Studies Lab

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Corequisite: MSL 1101 )

    Builds on the topics covered in MSL 1092  and MSL 1292 . Further in depth training on basic soldier skills and tasks, such as land navigation, basic rifle marksmanship and movement as a member of a fire team and rifle squad. Practical application of field craft and soldier skills in a tactical environment.
  • MSL 2192 - Individual Leadership Studies Lab

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Corequisite: MSL 2202 )

    Continuation of MSL 2092 .
  • MSL 2201 - Individual Leadership Studies

    2 credit hour(s)
    Explores the dimensions of creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by examining team dynamics and two historical leadership theories that form the basis of the Army leadership framework (trait and behavior theories). Students practice aspects of personal motivation and team building in the context of planning, executing, and assessing team exercises and participating in leadership labs. Focus in on continued development of the knowledge of leadership values and attributes through an understanding of Army rank, structure, and duties and basic aspects of land navigation and squad tactics. Case studies provide tangible context for learning the Soldier’s Creed and Warrior Ethos as they apply in the contemporary operating environment (COE).
  • MSL 2202 - Leadership and Teamwork

    2 credit hour(s)
    Examines the challenges of leading tactical teams in the complex contemporary operating environment (COE). The course highlights dimensions of terrain analysis, patrolling and operation orders. Further study of the theoretical basis of the Army leadership framework explores the dynamics of adaptive leadership in the context of military operations. The course provides a smooth transition into MSL 301. Cadets develop great self-awareness as they assess their own leadership styles and practice communication and team building skills. COE case studies give insight into the importance and practice of teamwork and tactics in real-world scenarios.
  • MSL 2219 - Directed Studies

    1-3 credit hour(s)
    Explores the dimensions of creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by examining team dynamics and two historical leadership theories that for the basis of the Army leadership framework (trait and behavior theories). MSL 2219 further provides a smooth transition into MSL 301. Cadets develop greater self-awareness as they assess their own leadership styles and practice communication and team building skills.
  • MSL 2220 - Military Fitness I

    1-2 credit hour(s)
    (Corequisite: MSL 1101  or MSL 2201 )

    Course is designed to teach students the principles of fitness, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle while exposing them to different methodologies of personal fitness.

Manufacturing Technology

School of Applied Technologies

  • MT 2005 - Statistical Controls

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: MATH 0940  or appropriate placement scores )

    Features the use of hardware and software as they apply to quality assurance. Study design of experiments, sampling techniques, SPC, control chart application and development and process reliability.
  • MT 2095 - Cooperative Education

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)

    Provides an opportunity for the student to work for one term on a cooperative basis in an appropriate training program. Position is not paid.
  • MT 2096-2996 - Special Topics

    1-7 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)

    Presents various topics.
    (all courses ending in 96 are special topics) See Schedule of Classes.
  • MT 2097 - Independent Study

    1-7 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)

    Allows the student to investigate and solve a problem. The student designs the solution using a combination of manufacturing techniques.
  • MT 2098 - Internship

    5 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)

    Provides an opportunity for the student to work for one term on a cooperative basis in an appropriate training program. Position is not paid.


School of Communication, Humanities, & Social Sciences (CHSS)

  • MUS 1103 - Fundamentals of Music

    4 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement scores )

    (Recommended: Experience with voice or instrument) Introduces fundamentals of music notation, scales, key signatures and intervals, with application to aural comprehension through singing intervals, scales, trials, dictating simple rhythmic and melodic patterns.
  • MUS 1111 - Class Piano I

    3 credit hour(s)
    Beginning repertoire and sight-reading, basic scale and chord patterns in major keys. For the complete beginner.
  • MUS 1112 - Class Piano II

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: MUS 1111 )

    A continuation from MUS 1111 . Late elementary repertoire, sight-reading moving out of the five-finger position, major and minor scale and chord patterns.
  • MUS 1139 - Early Music Appreciation

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement scores )

    Surveys basic musical elements and their development from early Greece to the Classical period in a non-technical approach. Requires attendance at live musical performances.
  • MUS 1140 - Modern Music Appreciation

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement scores )

    Emphasizes study of symphonic music, chamber music and vocal literature from the Romantic period to the 21st century in a non-technical approach. Requires attendance at live musical performances.
  • MUS 1172 - Introduction To Jazz

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement scores )

    Introduces jazz as a modern musical form and emphasizes its evolution during the 20th century.
  • MUS 2096-2996 - Special Topics

    1-6 credit hour(s)
    Presents various topics.
    (all courses ending in 96 are special topics) See Schedule of Classes.
  • MUS 2271 - Music Today

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950 )

    This course is a study of music in the United States, how Western art music, folk music, sacred music, and popular music developed from America’s early beginnings to modern times, with a focus on the societal history that shaped the music to its modern cultural influences.

Nursing Assistant

School of Health, Wellness, & Public Safety (HWPS)

  • NA 1015 - Nursing Assistant

    6 credit hour(s)

    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  + ENG 0750  or ESOL 0751  + MATH 0750  or appropriate placement scores ) (Pre- or corequisite: HLTH 1001 )*

    Students learn basic anatomy and physiology, communication and clinical math skills. Includes basic patient care skills necessary to work in a nursing home, private home or hospital setting. Personal care, restorative care skills, vital signs and lifting are some of the skills taught in a lab setting. This course also provides the opportunity to practice supervised basic patient care skills in a long-term care setting.

    * HLTH 1001 must be completed prior to beginning the clinical portion of the course. The clinical portion is designated by HOSP in the CNM Schedule of Classes

Native American Studies

  • NATV 1150 - Introduction to Native American Studies

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement scores )

    Investigates present-day perspectives and historical and social conditions that have shaped and affected the lives of Native Americans.

Naval Science Studies

School of Communication, Humanities, & Social Sciences (CHSS)

Students may register at CNM for the University of New Mexico Naval Science Studies. Uniforms and textbooks are provided. Because these courses are offered at the main campus of UNM, students should contact UNM before enrolling.

Credits in Naval Science Studies may NOT be applied to any associate degree or certificate at CNM.

  • NAVS 1101 - Principles and Concepts of Naval Science

    3 credit hour(s)
    Introduces the naval service, customs, traditions, courtesies and naval officers communities.
    • Fall only

  • NAVS 1105 - Naval Ship Systems I

    3 credit hour(s)
    Introduces naval engineering systems concepts and practices.
    • Spring only

  • NAVS 1192 - Naval Professional Laboratory

    1 credit hour(s)
    Offers drills and information for NROTC students.
    • 30 lab hours
    • Fall, spring only.

  • NAVS 2201 - Naval Ship Systems II

    3 credit hour(s)
    Explores the principles of naval weapons systems.
    • Fall only

  • NAVS 2202 - Sea Power

    3 credit hour(s)
    Surveys US naval history from the American Revolution to the present.
    • Fall only

  • NAVS 2203 - Navigation

    3 credit hour(s)
    Offers theory, principles and procedures of ship coastal and celestial navigation.
    • Spring only

  • NAVS 2204 - Naval Operations

    3 credit hour(s)
    Explores naval ship operations, tactical formations and dispositions; relative motion tactical plots and maneuvering boards are analyzed.
    • Spring only

  • NAVS 2231 - Evolution of Warfare

    3 credit hour(s)
    Surveys evolution of the basic principles and techniques of warfare throughout history.
    • Fall only, even years.

  • NAVS 2241 - Leadership & Management

    3 credit hour(s)
    Explores the structure and principles of naval leadership and management.
    • Fall only

  • NAVS 2247 - Principles of Naval Leadership

    3 credit hour(s)
    Examines the structure and principles of naval leadership and management.
    • Spring only

  • NAVS 2251 - Amphibious Warfare

    3 credit hour(s)
    Explores the concepts, techniques and history of amphibious warfare.
    • Fall only, odd years.

Nursing Refresher

  • NR 2110 - Nursing Refresher Course

    7 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: Active or temporary New Mexico license to practice as an LPN or RN + A current professional CPR card) (Corequisite: NR 2190 )

    Course is designed to provide nurses with an opportunity to update their knowledge and skills of pharmacology, dosage calculation and medical surgical nursing.
  • NR 2190 - Nurse Refresher Clinical Application

    2 credit hour(s)
    (Prequisite: Active or temporary New Mexico license to practice as an LPN or RN + A current professional CPR card) (Corequisite: NR 2110 )

    Course is designed to provide nurses with an opportunity to update their practice in a medical surgical or skilled nursing facility.
    • 90 clinical hours


School of Health, Wellness, & Public Safety (HWPS)

  • NRSG 1015 - Principles of Nursing Practice

    4 credit hour(s)
    (Corequisite: NRSG 1010 )

    This course introduces the nursing student to the application of concepts through clinical skills in seminar, laboratory, and/or clinical settings. Principles of communication, assessments, safety, and interventions including accurate calculation, measurement, and administration of medications will be included
    • 15 theory hours
    • 135 lab hours

  • NRSG 1510 - Health and Illness Concepts I

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: BIO 2310  + NRSG 1010  + NRSG 1015  + PSY 2220 ) (Corequisite: NRSG 1520  + NRSG 1530  + NRSG 1535 )

    This course will focus on health and illness concepts across the lifespan, with the focus on wellness and common variations. Concepts covered are related to homeostasis/regulation, sexuality/reproductive, protection/movement and emotional processes.
  • NRSG 1520 - Health Care Participant

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Corequisite: NRSG 1510  + NRSG 1530  + NRSG 1535 )

    This course introduces the nursing student to the attributes of the health care participant as an individual, a family, or a community.
  • NRSG 1530 - Nursing Pharmacology

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Corequisite: NRSG 1510  + NRSG 1520  + NRSG 1535 )

    This course introduces the nursing student to pharmacologic nursing practice from a conceptual approach.
  • NRSG 1535 - Assessment and Health Promotion

    4 credit hour(s)
    (Corequisite: NRSG 1510  + NRSG 1520  + NRSG 1530 )

    This course introduces the nursing student to the assessment of and the health promotion for the health care participant as an indiviual, a family, or a community. This course uses seminar, laboratory and/or clinical.
    • 15 theory hours
    • 135 clinical hours

  • NRSG 2010 - Health & Illness Concepts II

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: BIO 2710  + NRSG 1510  + NRSG 1520  + NRSG 1530  + NRSG 1535 ) (Corequisite: NRSG 2020  + NRSG 2090 )

    This course will cover health and illness concepts across the lifespan. Concepts covered are related to oxygenation and hemostasis, homeostasis and regulation, protection and movement, and emotional processes.
  • NRSG 2020 - Professional Nursing Concepts

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Corequisite: NRSG 2010  + NRSG 2090 )

    This course covers foundational concepts for professional development, including selected professional attributes and care competencies.
  • NRSG 2090 - Care of Patients with Chronic Conditions

    4 credit hour(s)
    (Corequisite: NRSG 2010  + NRSG 2020 )

    The focus of this course is to provide safe, evidence-based nursing care for patients with chronic conditions, across the lifespan in a variety of settings. This course builds upon cuuricular concepts. This course is a combination of lab and clinical.
    • 180 clinical hours

  • NRSG 2510 - Health & Illness Concepts

    4 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: BIO 2711  + NRSG 2010  + NRSG 2020  + NRSG 2090 ) (Corequisite: NRSG 2515  + NRSG 2999 )

    This course will cover health and illness concepts, with the focus on acute conditions across the lifespan. Concepts covered are related to homeostasis/regulation, oxygenation/hemostasis, protection/movement and cognitive/behavioral processes.
  • NRSG 2515 - Clinical Intensive I

    4 credit hour(s)

    (Corequisite: NRSG 2510  + NRSG 2999 )

    This is the first of two Level Four clinical courses in which the student will apply the curricular concepts in the management of care participants with acute conditions across the lifespan. This course is a combination of seminar, lab, and clinical.
    • 15 theory hours
    • 135 clinical hours


  • NRSG 2999 - ADN Capstone

    6 credit hour(s)
    (Corequisite: NRSG 2510  + NRSG 2515 )

    This course prepares the student for entry-level nursing practice as an associate degree graduate. The focus of the course is management of individuals across the lifespan with chronic, acute and select complex conditions. This course is a combination of seminar, lab, and clinical.
    • 60 theory hours
    • 90 clinical hours

  • NURS 1002 - Strategies for Nursing Effectiveness

    2 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)

    This survey course promotes success in the nursing student by utilizing the nursing process to improve skills associated with critical thinking, critical reading and problem solving through evidenced based nursing practice.
  • NURS 1007 - Dosage Calculations (CR/NC)

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisites: AAS Mathematics Requirement  (MATH 1330  Recommend)* + department approval)

    Presents methods of dosage calculations for oral and parental medications, including intravenous therapy and pediatric dosages.
  • NURS 1080 - Introduction to Nursing

    9 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: BIO 2210  + BIO 2292  + ENG 1101  + NUTR 2110  + PSY 1105  + department approval) (Pre- or corequisite: NURS 1007  + BIO 2310  + BIO 2392 )

    Introduces the foundations of nursing with a focus on physical assessment and its function within the nursing process. Introduces common pathological conditions to begin the application of patient data into a caring framework. Clinical: Assessment and implementation of care for healthy and hospitalized clients to maintain and promote mental and physical health.
    • 75 theory hours
    • 180 clinical hours

  • NURS 1092 - Supplemental Lab (CR/NC)

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval) (Corequisite: NURS 1080 )

    Designed to provide nursing students the opportunity for additional practice of nursing skills in the campus laboratory before going into the clinical setting.
  • NURS 1096-1996 - Special Topics

    1-10 credit hour(s)
    Presents various topics.
    (all courses ending in 96 are special topics) See Schedule of Classes.
  • NURS 1580 - Nursing Care of the Adult Client

    9 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisites: BIO 2310  + BIO 2392  + NURS 1007  + NURS 1080  + department approval) (Pre- or corequisite: NURS 2002 )

    Continues the care of clients with pathophysiological conditions using the nursing process. Emphasis on the development of communication techniques, critical thinking and clinical competence. Clinical: Experiences with medical, surgical and psychosocial and behavioral needs of clients in hospital settings.
    • 75 theory hours
    • 180 clinical hours

  • NURS 1592 - Supplemental Lab (CR/NC)

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval) (Corequisite: NURS 1580 )

    Designed to provide nursing students the opportunity for additional practice of nursing skills in the campus laboratory before going into the clinical setting.
  • NURS 2002 - Pharmacology in Nursing

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisites: BIO 2310  + BIO 2392  + department approval)

    Introduces the concepts necessary for nursing judgment in the use of chemical agents and the theoretical base required to administer medications. Information covers drugs in current use, including pharmackinetics, pharmacodynamics, therapeutic uses, adverse reactions, precautions and contraindications.
  • NURS 2084 - Concepts for LPN to RPN Transitioning Students

    2 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisites: ENG 1101  + NUTR 2110  + BIO 2110  + BIO 2192  + BIO 2310  + BIO 2392  + PSY 1105  + PSY 2220  + NURS 1007  + NURS 2002  + department approval)

    Facilitates the transition from the role of Licensed Practical Nurse to that of a student preparing for the role of Registered Nurse. The focus is the transformation of Professional Practice guided by paradigms, core concepts and competencies. Required for ALL LPNs for advanced placement in the Associate Degree Nursing program. Current LPN State of New Mexico license required for enrollment.
  • NURS 2096-2996 - Special Topics

    1-10 credit hour(s)
    Presents various topics.
    (all courses ending in 96 are special topics) See Schedule of Classes.
  • NURS 2515 - Manager of Care

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: NURS 2580  + department approval)

    Introduces management principles to prepare the ADN nurse to manage care of groups of clients. Clinical application in NURS 2680 .
  • NURS 2580 - Family Nursing

    10 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisites: NURS 1580  + NURS 2002 PSY 1105  + PSY 2220  + department approval) (Pre- or corequisite: BIO 2110  + BIO 2192 ENG 1101  + MATH 1210 )

    Integrates the study of clients with complex pathological conditions. Introduces nursing care of the mother and neonate. Clinical: Experiences with medical, surgical, maternal, neonate and behavioral health clients in hospital and/or community-based health care settings.
    • 75 theory hours
    • 225 clinical hours

  • NURS 2680 - Complex Health Problems

    9 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisites: NURS 2580  + department approval) (Pre- or corequisite: IT 1010 )

    Studies the impact of complex multi-system health problems on individuals and families, including the pediatric client. Includes psychiatric disorders, cultural factors and practice issues. Clinical: Providing and managing care of clients across the lifespan.
    • 60 theory hours
    • 225 clinical hours

Natural Science

School of Math, Science & Engineering

  • NS 1010 - Physical Science for Teachers

    4 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisites: ENG 1101  or appropriate placement scores )

    Introduces the science of geology, chemistry, physics and astronomy, with emphasis on the sciences processes, inquiry and the integration of technology. This course is activity based utilizing problems and issues based approach, various teaching methods are modeled and practiced by students. Some field trips may be required.
  • NS 1015 - Life Science for Teachers

    4 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisites: ENG 1101  or appropriate placement scores )

    Uses activities for the study of science topics including botany, cell biology, genetics, micro-biology and zoology with emphasis on science processes, inquiry and the integration of technology. Various teaching methods are modeled and practiced by students. Some field trips may be required.
  • NS 1096-1996 - Special Topics

    1-6 credit hour(s)
    Presents various topics.
    • All courses ending in 96 are special topics

  • NS 2010 - Environmental Science for Teachers

    4 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite:  ENG 1101 )

    Introduces major issues in environmental science with emphasis on science process, scientific investigations and field-based activities and the integration of technology. Course topics include current issues on population, healthy ecosystems and natural resources. Various teaching methods are modeled and practiced by students.


School of Math, Science & Engineering

  • NUTR 1010 - Personal and Practical Nutrition

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Pre-or corequisite: ENG 0950  or appropriate placement scores )

    Presents nutrition concepts from a practical viewpoint that can be applied to personal goals. Includes current and controversial topics: individual nutrient needs, alternative eating patterns, nutrition as part of disease prevention and applications of these principles in food preparation. Fulfills nutrition requirement for culinary arts but is not the required course for nursing or other health science majors.
  • NUTR 1015 - Introduction to Medical Nutrition Therapy

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: NUTR 1010 )

    This course explores the fundamentals of medical nutrition therapy for various symptoms and disease states. It is intended for students enrolled in the Dietary Manager program.
  • NUTR 1020 - Sports Nutrition

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: ENG 0950  + MATH 0930  + RDG 0950  or appropriate placement scores )

    This course will explore the role of nutrition in physical performance of competitive and recreational sports participants. This course can be used in place of FITT 1570 - Applied Nutrition for Sport and Exercise  for the Fitness Technician  program.
  • NUTR 1090 - Dietary Manager Internship I

    2 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: CULN 1103  + NUTR 1010  + NUTR 1015  or departmental approval)

    This course provides a learning experience in clinical and community environments with emphasis on developing skills in Nutrition/Medical Nutrition Therapy and Sanitation/Food Safety. This is a coordinated supervised practice field experience requiring a minimum of 90 hours and is required for students seeking a Dietary Manager, Certificate of Completion . The course prepares learners to complete nutritional assessments and care plans for patients; describe the nutritional needs of people across the life cycle; prepare menus and transpose these to modified diets; develop infection control program based on principles of sanitation; and develop a preventative accident program to reduce work related accidents.
  • NUTR 1091 - Dietary Manager Internship II

    2 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: CULN 1010  +/or CULN 1100  + HT 2201  or department approval)

    This course provides a learning experience in clinical and community environments with emphasis on developing skills in Management of Food Service Operations and Human Resource Management. Focus areas include quality improvement and evaluation of service, meal panning, recipe development, safe and sanitary food procurement and production methods, facility layout and design, staffing, marketing, and financial management. This is a coordinated supervised practice field experience requiring a minimum of 90 hours and is required for students seeking a Dietary Manager, Certificate of Completion .
  • NUTR 1096-1996 - Special Topics

    1-6 credit hour(s)
    Presents various topics.
    • All courses ending in 96 are special topics

  • NUTR 2096-2996 - Special Topics

    1-3 credit hour(s)
    Presents various topics.
    (all courses ending in 96 are special topics) See Schedule of Classes.
  • NUTR 2110 - Human Nutrition

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: CHEM 1410  or CHEM 1710  or BIO 1410  or appropriate placement scores )

    Introduces nutrition as it affects normal body function and total health. Designed for health majors who will use this information in various professions.

Occupational Safety and Health

School of Applied Technologies (AT) 

  • OSH 2006 - Occupational Safety for Construction I

    1 credit hour(s)
    Introduces students to OSHA policies, procedures and standards, construction safety and health principles. The scope and application of the OSHA Construction Safety Standard will be addressed with emphasis on high hazard areas. Students successfully completing the course will receive a Department of Labor card acknowledging completion of the 10-hour awareness course for 29 CFR 1926.
  • OSH 2010 - Occupational Safety for Construction - 30 Hour

    3 credit hour(s)
    Introduces students to Occupational Safety and Health Act policies, procedures, standards, construction safety and health principles. The scope and applicatoin of the OSHA Construction Safety Standard will be addressed with emphasis on high hazard areas.
    • An OSHA Construction Industry Outreach Training Program 30 hour card is awarded upon successful course completion.

  • OSH 2016 - Occupational Safety I

    1 credit hour(s)
    Introduces inspections, personal protective equipment, fire protection, hazardous materials, walking/working surfaces, electrical standards and bloodborne pathogens. An OSHA General Industry Outreach Program 10-hour certificate is awarded on successful completion.
  • OSH 2017 - Occupational Safety II

    1 credit hour(s)
    Covers lock-out/tag-out, material handling, hazardous communication (MSDS and labeling), machine guarding, welding/cutting/brazing, confined spaces, hearing conservation and general environmental controls.
  • OSH 2018 - Occupational Safety III

    1 credit hour(s)
    Introduces hazardous substances, respiratory standards, hazard analysis, record keeping and workers\compensation. An OSHA General Industry Safety and Health Outreach Program 30-hour certificate will be awarded on successful completion of OSH 2016 , OSH 2017  and ESH 2018.
  • OSH 2096-2996 - Special Topics

    1-6 credit hour(s)
    Presents various topics.
    (all courses ending in 96 are special topics)

Office Technology

School of Business & Information Technology (BIT)

  • OTEC 1096-1996 - Special Topics

    1-3 credit hour(s)
    Presents various topics.
    (all courses ending in 96 are special topics) See Schedule of Classes.
  • OTEC 1101 - Beginning Keyboarding

    3 credit hour(s)
    Develops proper keyboarding technique to achieve speed and accuracy. A minimum average of 25 wpm on three five-minute timings is required. This course will integrate keyboarding instruction with mouse navigation, the Internet, file management, and word processing.
    • 30 theory hours
    • 45 lab hours

  • OTEC 1125 - Proofreading and Editing

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: BA 1121 )

    Develop proofreading skills: punctuation, grammar, spelling and usage errors. Edit documents for appropriate content, conciseness, clarity and point of view.
  • OTEC 1161 - Records and Information Management

    2 credit hour(s)
    (Recommended course: IT 1010 )

    Presents an introduction to the field of records management. Covers principles and practices of effective records management for manual and electronic records systems. Alphabetic filing rules compatible with Association of Records Managers and Administration (ARMA) guidelines are introduced, along with methods of storing and retrieving alphabetic, subject, numeric and geographic records. This course was previously called OTEC 1160 Records Management.
    • 30 theory hours

  • OTEC 1170 - Business Telephone Techniques

    1 credit hour(s)
    Presents concepts to develop effective speaking, listening and questioning skills. Methods for handling incoming calls, outbound calls, customer orders, customer problems and customer complaints.
    • 15 theory hours

  • OTEC 1171 - Working with the Challenging Customer

    1 credit hour(s)
    Presents concepts to enhance student’s ability to act effectively when working with the challenging customer for the purpose of promoting customer satisfaction.
    • 15 theory hours

  • OTEC 1173 - Time Management Skills

    1 credit hour(s)
    Presents principles and activities to aid the student in applying time management skills in a personal and professional environment.
    • 15 theory hours

  • OTEC 1175 - Computers in the Medical Office

    2 credit hour(s)
    (Recommended course: IT 1010 )

    Introduces tasks performed in a medical office utilizing a computerized software package, including scheduling appointments, gathering and recording patient information, recording diagnoses and procedures, billing patients, filing insurance claims, recording payments and preparing reports. This course was previously called OTEC 1174 Computers in the Medical Office.
    • 15 theory hours
    • 45 lab hours

  • OTEC 1192 - Keyboard Skillbuilding

    2 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: OTEC 1101 )

    Continues development of speed and accuracy. A minimum average speed of 35 wpm on three five-minute timings is required.
    • 15 theory hours
    • 45 lab hours

  • OTEC 1193 - Keyboard Skillbuilding II

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: OTEC 1192 )

    Focuses on building speed and accuracy. A minimum average speed of 45 wpm on three five-minute timings is required.
    • 45 lab hours


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