Sep 07, 2024  
2022-2023 CNM Catalog, Volume 54 
2022-2023 CNM Catalog, Volume 54 [The CNM Academic Year includes Fall, Spring, Summer Terms]

Computer Information Systems (AAS), Web Programming Concentration

School of Business & Information Technology (BIT)

Web Programming students acquire skills for entry level website designers and developers to create and publish industry standard compliant web content with strong hands-on knowledge of browser-side and server-side technology.

See Recommended Sequence of Courses

Educational Option Information

  • This educational option can be completed: Part-time or full-time. The program can be completed in four terms full-time.
  • This educational option is designed for: Immediate employment and transfer into a baccalaureate program.
  • This educational option can be started: Any term.
  • Primary course location: Main campus, many courses offered online.
  • Are there any other course or licensing requirements that apply to this educational option (term by term)?
    • Some courses in the program have associated course fees that cover the cost of industry recognized certification exams.

Approximate Costs of this Educational Option

Financial Aid Considerations

Education Opportunities

Many of CNM’s CIS courses are transferrable to four-year degree programs, and CNM currently has Transfer Agreements with many colleges and universities.

Career Opportunities

The employment prospects for the web industry are good. Almost every organization maintains a web presence. There is a constant need to update web content and develop new features.

The Web Programming AAS concentration prepares the student to: Develop web content; create and maintain websites; promote or market web sites. Job titles associated with this degree include: Web Architect; Web Content Manager; Web Content Editor; Web Designer; Web Programmer; Web Administrator; Web Promoter; Web Marketer.

Ten Year Rule for CTE Courses

Career and technical education courses in this program will qualify for credit for a period of ten academic years. Due to changing technologies, trends, and professional demands, courses completed ten or more years in the past will satisfy program requirements only if they are approved by the instructional school in which they were offered. Cohorted programs may have additional restrictions.

Program Requirements


Minimum Credit Hours Required to Complete Degree: 62