Jan 14, 2025  
2022-2023 CNM Catalog, Volume 54 
2022-2023 CNM Catalog, Volume 54 [The CNM Academic Year includes Fall, Spring, Summer Terms]

Alternative Teacher Licensure (Post Degree Certificate of Completion), Special Education Concentration

Image of classSchool of Education (ED)

CNM offers a state-accredited teacher licensure program based on national InTASC standards for teacher preparation and the New Mexico state framework for teacher education.  CNM offers Alternative Teacher Licensure  with certificates in, Early Childhood Education , Elementary Education , Secondary Education  , and Special Education. Students are able to complete licensure pathways in multiple areas and all students are encouraged to complete dual licensure in special education. 

For students currently in the Alternative Teacher Licensure Program or licensed teachers, CNM offers coursework that can be applied to endorsements in Gifted Education, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and Bilingual Education.

See Recommended Sequence of Courses

Special Requirements

Students must complete a separate application process for the Alternative Teacher Licensure Program.

Application requirements include:

  • Submission of official transcript to CNM Records Office confirming bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution
  • GPA of 3.0 on highest degree earned (or passing score on appropriate Praxis Subject Exam)
  • Ability to pass a Criminal Background Check
  • Passing score on the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core) *
    • Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading
    • Core Academic Skills for Educators: Writing
    • Core Academic Skills for Educators: Mathematics

* Passing results from a comparable teacher assessment taken within the last 10 years will be accepted in lieu of the Praxis Core.

Approximate Costs of this Educational Option

Financial Aid Considerations

Educational Opportunities

Upon successful admission to the Alternative Licensure Program candidates are eligible to apply for an Alternative Level I Teaching License from the NM Public Education Department. Teaching remains a high demand field in New Mexico, especially in the areas of bilingual elementary, secondary (math or science), and special education. The starting salary for teachers in New Mexico public schools is $41,000. Within seven years, teachers can earn a base salary of $60,000.

Gainful Employment information is available from Job Connection Services.

Ten Year Rule for CTE Courses

Career and technical education courses in this program will qualify for credit for a period of ten academic years. Due to changing technologies, trends, and professional demands, courses completed ten or more years in the past will satisfy program requirements only if they are approved by the instructional school in which they were offered. Cohorted programs may have additional restrictions.