Class construction: Write programs that contain a programmer-written class and demonstrate its use in the C++, Java and C# languages.
Class inheritance, and polymorphism: Write a program that contains a programmer-written class structure including a parent class and at least two children classes. The program must demonstrate polymorphism.
Graphical User Interface and Technical documentation: Write a program that contains a Graphical User Interface that includes event handling components. These components must include components such as menus, dialog boxes, sliders, buttons, and spinners. Tooltips must be on all components, where relevant. The program must contain a help section or additional documentation for the user.
Database manipulation and Web Application: Write a program that demonstrates the ability to connect to and manipulate a SQL database.
Web research: Use a search engine, such as “Google”, to find information on classes or functions that are needed in a program. This web research includes finding the appropriate class/function, its documentation, and implementing the code in a program.
Debugging: Demonstrate the use of a debugging tool in at least two Integrated Development Environments, with at least two languages.