Feb 05, 2025  
2022-2023 CNM Catalog, Volume 54 
2022-2023 CNM Catalog, Volume 54 [The CNM Academic Year includes Fall, Spring, Summer Terms]

PHYS 1115 - Survey of Physics

3 credit hour(s)
Recommended:   and PHYS 1115L *
Overview of the concepts and basic phenomena of physics. This course provides a largely descriptive and qualitative treatment with a minimum use of elementary mathematics to solve problems. No previous knowledge of physics is assumed.

  • Students not meeting the   prerequisite may elect to take FYEX 1110  as a Pre- or Corequisite to this course.
  • * It is strongly recommended that students take the lab course concurrently with the lecture. The lab experience serves to enhance the student’s understanding of the concepts discussed in the lecture.
  • Previously PHYS 1010. Read more.