Nov 02, 2024  
2020 - 2021 CNM Catalog, Volume 52 
2020 - 2021 CNM Catalog, Volume 52 [The CNM Academic Year includes Fall, Spring, Summer Terms]

HLTH 1003 - CPR, First Aid & Safety

1 credit hour(s)
This course is designed to prepare students with no or limited medical background experience and serves as the initial introduction and training in the areas of: BLS CPR training for the Health Care Provider, Heartsaver First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens, Infection Control, Health Information Privacy and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and Fire Safety. This is a 1 (one) credit hour course and is financial aid eligible.

  • This class includes First Aid Certification and Fire Safety. This class prepares students for clinicals and work in the community setting, such as in homes. This class is offered all face to face.