SIGN 2214 - Introduction to Deaf Culture & the Deaf Community
Student Learning Outcomes
Discuss the characteristics of North American Deaf/Hearing communities.
Recognize and define aspects of power and oppression including cultural appropriation, hearing privilege, audism, linguicism, and ableism.
Examine the labels and stereotypes of Deaf people in historical context (cultural vs. pathological perspectives on Deaf people).
Identify the Deaf community’s historical events, person(s), and organizations that impact the Deaf community.
Explore the traditions of Deaf people - Deaf history, Deaf folklore, Deaf Art/De’VIA, ASL literature, and Deaf literature.
Course Description Provides a broad introduction to concepts related to the Deaf, Deaf culture, and the languages of people within Deaf communities in particular and Deaf society in general. The course examines current issues and languages in the Deaf community, including technology and diversity.