Demonstrate advanced-intermediate level comprehension and production skills incorporating complex ASL grammatical features, including classifiers, nonmanual signals, role shifting, and spatial organization.
Identify and understand ASL idioms/expressions and how they are used in ASL discourse.
Comprehend and discuss ASL texts on a variety of topics, signed by a variety of Deaf people.
Demonstrate narrative competence through signed presentations, both prepared and spontaneous.
Demonstrate an understanding of ASL-English equivalents through translation tasks.
Use self-evaluation and peer/instructor feedback to revise one’s video ASL texts.
Develop cultural competence through exposure to and reflection on Deaf culture.
Course Description American Sign Language (ASL) IV is a continuation of the intermediate level ASL III course. Emphasis is on further development of students’ comprehension and production skills through a more advanced study of ASL discourse, grammatical structures, and semantics. Creative use of expression, classifiers, body posture, and signing space will be practiced along with videotext viewing and video production. Topics in Deaf culture and interaction with the Deaf community will be integral to the course. Credits: 3