Jan 17, 2025  
2019 - 2020 CNM Catalog, Volume 51 
2019 - 2020 CNM Catalog, Volume 51 [The CNM Academic Year includes Fall, Spring, Summer Terms]

Where’s My Course?

Common Course Numbering (CCN)

The New Mexico Higher Education Department (NMHED) has established and will maintain a common course numbering system (NMCCNS) to improve transfer and articulation of courses between New Mexico’s public and tribal higher education institutions. The NMCCNS includes all lower division (1000 – and 2000 – level) courses offered in the state. Read more.

The new NMCCNS has resulted in a large number of changes to CNM course prefixes and numbers. If you can’t find a course from a previous CNM Catalog you may look up your old course number and find its new CCN here: CNM CCN Crosswalk. Guide to using the CNM CCN Crosswalk. Or, you may look up the old course prefix and number here: Access the New Mexico Common Course Numbering Crosswalk to find its new equivalent State assigned CCN. This tool may also be used to find out whether a course is unique to CNM or may be transferred to New Mexico’s public and tribal higher education institutions. Note: New disciplines, including career technical disciplines, may be added to the CCNS in the future. Please consult with your School or an academic coach for more information. Guide to using the NMCCN Crosswalk

Still can’t find your old course? Look up the course in the 2018 Catalog and check the Notes section of the course description for the new course number. See an example below:

How to search for your course NMCCN Crosswalk  
How to search for your course CNM CCN Crosswalk  


All Other Course Changes

2018-2020 Deactivated Courses


ARDR 1010 - CAD Analysis I This course was incorporated into ARDR 1121 .
ARDR 1115 - Residential Drafting This course has been replaced by ARDR 1116  and reduced credit hours.
ARDR 1301 - Building Materials and Methods III This course has been removed from the program.
ARDR 2999 - Capstone This course has been removed from the program.
AUTC 2999 - Capstone This course has been removed from the program.
CHW - 1090 - Community Health Worker Clinical This course has been replaced by CHW 1190  and reduced credit hours.
CM 2120 - Statics This course has been replaced and augmented by CM 2125 .
DA 2408 - Dental Administration and Communication This course have been replace by DA 2508 .
DA 2492 - Dental Administration and Communications Lab This course has been removed from the program and deactivated.
DETC 1250 - Diesel Power and the Environment This course has been removed from the program.
ELTR 2610 - Photovoltaic Installation Safety This course has been removed from the program.
ELTR 2615 - PV Code Compliant Systems This course has been removed from the program.
FILM 1315 - Storyboarding This course has been removed from the program.
FILM 1390 - Portfolio This course has been removed from the program.
GIS 2007 - GIS Applications This course has been removed from the program.
NUTR 1091 -  Dietary Manager Internship II This course has been replaced by NUTR 1190 .

Deactivated/Restructured Programs

Computer Information Systems (Post Degree Certificate of Achievement), CISCO Concentration

Computer Information Systems (Post Degree Certificate of Completion), Cyber Security Concentration

Electrical Trades (Certificate of Completion), General Concentration

Electrical Trades (Certificate of Completion), Photovoltaic Installation Concentration

Electrical Trades (Certificate of Completion), Programmable Logic Controls (PLC) Concentration

Fire Science (AAS), Emergency Medical Services Concentration

Fire Science (AAS), Structural Firefighting Concentration

Fire Science (AAS), Wildland Firefighting Concentration

Firefighter I, Certificate of Achievement

Nursing (AAS), LPN Mobility Concentration

Nursing (AAS), NMNEC Concentration

Surveying Engineering (AS)