Jan 13, 2025  
2011 - 2012 CNM Catalog June 2011, Volume 44 
2011 - 2012 CNM Catalog June 2011, Volume 44 [The CNM Academic Year includes Fall, Spring, Summer Terms]


Abbreviated Schedule: Classes begin at 10:30 a.m. Classes before that time are canceled. Information is given on the telephone hotline, (505) 224-4SNO and on local media.

Academic Transfer Courses: all arts and sciences courses and specific career and technical courses designed to simultaneously meet CNM program requirements and transfer to other colleges and universities. A list of academic transfer course is available at cnm.edu.

Academic Year: A school year consisting of a fall, spring and summer term.

Accreditation: Formal recognition of an educational institution that maintains standards qualifying its graduates for further study or for professional practice. CNM is accredited to grant certificates and associate degrees by The Higher Learning Commission; individual programs are accredited or approved by professional organizations.

Accuplacer: Reading, Sentence Skills (English) and Math exams used to determine appropriate course placement for students.

Achievement Coach: Achievement coaches are staff in each of the schools that assist and guide students toward achieving their educational goals by identifying resources and services that support students.

Adding Courses: Registering for courses (see Registration).

Admission: The process of applying and being accepted by CNM (as opposed to registering for a particular course).

Adult Basic Education: Free courses to prepare for the GED, or to improve the skills of English as a Second Language speakers, offered in the School of Adult & General Education.

Advisor: Professional staff who help students set and achieve academic goals and create meaningful educational plans through individualized academic planning and career exploration. Academic Advisors provide graduation and transfer information, enrichment and program information and connect student to a full range of institutional services and provide continued academic guidance and support throughout the student experience.

Articulation Agreement: A formal agreement between CNM and a four-year college or university that indicates the acceptability of specific transfer courses in fulfillment of lower division requirements for a particular bachelor’s degree

Arts and Sciences Courses: Courses that support degree and certificate programs in the arts and sciences areas and are generally transferable to other degree-granting institutions as freshman and sophomore electives or requirements. At CNM, arts and sciences courses are numbered 1101 and above with the following subject codes: ANTH, ARBC, ARTH, ARTS, ASTR, BIO, CHEM, COMM, CST, ECON, ENG, EPS, FREN, GEOG, GNHN, HIST, HUM, JOUR, MATH, MUS, NS, PHIL, PHYS, PORT, PSCI, PSY, RLGN, SOC, SPAN, THEA.

Associate Degree (AA, AS, AAS): The formal name for a two-year degree, though it may take longer to obtain this degree. The associate degree requires a minimum of 60 credits, with at least 12 credits earned in residence at CNM.

Audit: A grade option/grade that reflects a student’s enrollment in a course but does not carry course credit or count for enrollment verification, cannot be used to meet pre- or corequisite requirement and does reflect competency in a course.

Blended Course: A course which is delivered online, but requires one or more campus visits during the term.

Career and Technical Courses: Courses that are the core of most certificate and degree programs at CNM and are designed to prepare students for entry-level jobs. At CNM, career and technical courses (previously called occupational courses) are courses numbered 1101 and above with subject codes not listed as arts and sciences courses (see Arts and Sciences Courses).

Certificate: Awarded upon completion of a prescribed series of courses. A certificate indicates skill competency in many technical and career areas. A Certificate of Achievements is 1-15 credits; A Certificate of Completion is 16-59 credits.

Challenge Exams: Used to establish credit for CNM courses.

Clinical: a “work based” learning environment incorporated within a course of study. These are “unpaid” positions.

College and Career Bound: A high school-aged student enrollment program in which eligible high school and home schooled students can enroll at CNM and earn college credit.

Community College: A postsecondary institution like CNM, which offers adult education, college preparation and courses/programs (certificates and degrees) in technical and occupational fields of study as well as for transfer to four-year schools.

Concentration: An area of emphasis or specialty within a program of study (major).

Cooperative Education (Co-op): a structured educational “paid” work experience related to a student’s academic goals. Co-op is a partnership among the students, educational institutions and employers, with specified responsibilities for each party.

Corequisite: A course, which is either recommended or required to be taken in combination with another course. Often a lab is the corequisite for a lecture: CHEM 1510/1592, for example. A student who drops one of a pair of corequisite courses must drop the other as well.

Course Fee (Program Fee): A charge for materials, equipment and supplies for a course, listed in the Schedule of Classes and the CNM Catalog.

Course Load: The number of credit hours enrolled in each term.

Course Repeat Limit: The number of times a course may be repeated.

Credit Hour: A unit of measurement for courses. At CNM, each hour of credit in a lecture class requires a minimum of 750 minutes of instruction per term; each hour of credit in a laboratory class requires at least 1,500 minutes. For transfer purposes, one CNM credit hour generally equals one semester credit hour at other institutions.

Credit/No Credit: CR/NC, a grade option in some CNM courses, replacing the traditional letter grade.

CRN: Course reference number, assigned to each course in the Schedule of Classes and used in registering.

Developmental Courses: Courses numbered below 1000 that prepare students to enter arts and sciences or career and technical courses.

Distance Learning: Courses offered 50-100% via the internet, correspondence or videotape.

Dropping Courses: Officially withdrawing from a class through the online registration system or at a registration office.

Elective: A program credit requirement that allows the student to choose from a list of approved courses or disciplines.

English as a Second Language (ESL): Courses for students who are non-native speakers of English.

Freshman: A student who has completed fewer than 30 credits at CNM.

Full-time Status: A schedule of 12 or more credit hours per term.

GED: General Education Development diploma considered equivalent to a high school diploma.

Grade Point Average (GPA): An educational standard computed by multiplying the number of credit hours of a course by the points assigned to the course grade, then dividing by the total number of hours. Point values are: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0.

Graduation: Official confirmation of the completion of a certificate or degree program. Graduation is dependent on the approved completion of all program and institutional graduation requirements and is approved by the Office of the Registrar.

Hybrid Course: A course in which 50% of the course activity takes place online, and 50% is in a classroom or lab.

Independent Study: Student works with the instructor on specific topics directly related to the course or program of study. The meeting time is arranged between the student and the instructor.

Internship: a structured educational “unpaid” work experience related to a student’s academic goals. Internship is a partnership among the students, educational institutions and employers, with specified responsibilities for each party.

Learning Communities: Learning communities offer students integrated curricula that emphasize connections among students, faculty and disciplines.

Limited Entry Program: CNM programs that are designated as “limited entry” require an application process. Read More>>> 

Major: A specific program of study consisting of a specific group of courses designed to provide intensive education or training in a specialized area and leading to a certificate and/or associate degree.

myCNM: CNM’s online information portal that houses online enrollment-related systems and information.

Non-Degree Student: A student who has not yet chosen a major or who does not wish to earn a certificate or degree.

Online Course: A course in which all of the course activity takes place online.

Part-time: A schedule of fewer than 12 credit hours per term

Permission to Enroll: The special approval, by a school, for a student to enter a restricted course and/or to waive a course pre- or corequisite.

Petition: A process in which students request and are selected to enroll in specialized courses. Selection is based on established and publicized criteria.

PIN: A student’s personal identification number used to access CNM’s secure online registration system.

Practicum: a college course, often in a specialized field of study that is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied theory. These are “unpaid” positions.

Prerequisite: A specific requirement that must be successfully completed before a student may enroll in a course.

Program: See major.

Program Director: Instructor who provides in-depth information about a certificate or degree program.

R: Thursday in the Schedule of Classes and online registration system.

Recommended Prerequisite: A course or other prerequisite which is strongly suggested for successful completion of a course but is not required (See prerequisite).

Registration: The process of signing up for courses, including paying tuition and fees.

Registration Fee: A processing fee assessed to each student for the term in which he/she is registering for classes.

Repeating courses: A course may be repeated up to three times, with each enrollment appearing on the transcript.

S: Denotes Saturday in the Schedule of Classes and online registration system; a U denotes Sunday.

Schedule of Classes: A online list of classes to be offered each term with related registration information- includes CRN, day/time and location, with information about admission, payments and registration.

Snow Day: In the event of dangerous weather conditions, CNM may close or operate under an abbreviated schedule. Information regarding closures and delays is communicated on a telephone hotline, (505) 224- 4SNO, on local television and radio stations, and through the CNM website.

Sophomore: A student who has completed 30 or more credits at CNM.

Substitution: An approved exchange of courses and credit because the competencies and/ or learning objectives of the substituting course are comparable, but not equivalent, to those of the required course.

Term: A portion of an academic year. CNM has three terms a year: fall, spring, and summer.

Topics Course: Topics courses complement CNM’s regular course offerings in a subject area or program. They may emphasize subject matter or content introduced in other courses, content at a more advanced level or content that is not covered in other CNM courses. Topics courses may change from term to term.

Traditional Grade: Letter grade (A, B, C, D or F) used in calculating the grade point average and recommended for courses in the major and for courses to be transferred to another institution. For details on grade options, see Academic Policies and Requirements .

Transcript: An official educational record of a student’s enrollment at a college, showing courses attempted and completed, grades and grade point average and graduation.

Transfer Credits: Credits for courses taken at another institution and counted toward a CNM certificate or degree or taken at CNM and applied toward a degree at another institution.

Tuition: A charge for CNM courses based on course type, credit hours and the student’s instate tuition classification.

U: Denotes Sunday in the Schedule of Classes and online registration system; an S denotes Saturday.

Waiver: An approved exemption from a course because the competencies and/or learning objectives of the course have already been attained due to prior training, educational or work experience.

Withdrawal: Dropping all courses and ceasing to be a CNM student.

wpm: Words per minute (keyboarding).