Mar 12, 2025  
2015 - 2016 CNM Catalog, Volume 48.1 
2015 - 2016 CNM Catalog, Volume 48.1 [The CNM Academic Year includes Fall, Spring, Summer Terms]

Where’s My Course?

Modified or Discontinued Courses and Programs

CNM courses and programs may be modified or discontinued for a variety of reasons. In each case, every effort is made to ensure that such restructuring does not adversely impact any student’s academic career. The programs listed below were in most instances phased out over time, allowing enrolled students to complete their academic goals. In others, enrolled students were transitioned into an alternative or parallel academic track. Students concerned they may be affected by these changes should consult with an academic advisor.

Be aware also that not every course is offered every term.

Discontinued Courses

BA 1133 Principle of Management

Course content now presented at 2000 level; see BA 2133.

BA 1165 Personal Finance

Elements of this course are offered in FIN 1010.

BA 1166 Personal Investment Management

Elements of this course are offered in FIN 1010.

BA 1167 Retirement Investment

Course discontinued.

BA 2104 Entrepreneurship in a Global Setting

Elements of this course are taught in BA 2100-Basics of Global Business

BA 2120 Financing an Import/Export Business

Elements of this course are taught in BA 2100-Basics of Global Business

BA 2121 Basics of Importing

Elements of this course are taught in BA 2100-Basics of Global Business.

BA 2122 Basics of Exporting

Elements of this course are taught in BA 2100-Basics of Global Business.

BA 2221 Global Marketing

Elements of this course are taught in BA 2100-Basics of Global Business

BA 2244 Legal Issues in E-Commerce

Course discontinued.

BA 2284 Strategic Management

Elements of this course are taught in BA 2113-Principles of Management.

BIOT 1005 Math for Biot Lab

The Biotechnology program at CNM has been updated. See current catalog for updated program.

BIOT 1010 Intro to Biotechnology

The Biotechnology program at CNM has been updated. See current catalog for updated program.

BIOT 1210/1270 Biotech Laboratory Techniques

The Biotechnology program at CNM has been updated. See current catalog for updated program.

BIOT 1211 Biotech Seminar II

The Biotechnology program at CNM has been updated. See current catalog for updated program.

BIOT 1510/1570 Biotech Lab II

The Biotechnology program at CNM has been updated. See current catalog for updated program.

BIOT 1512 Biotech Seminar III

The Biotechnology program at CNM has been updated. See current catalog for updated program.

BIOT 2098 Internship

The Biotechnology program at CNM has been updated. See current catalog for updated program.

BIOT 2410/2470 Biotech Lab III

The Biotechnology program at CNM has been updated. See current catalog for updated program.

BIOT 2413 Biotech Seminar IV

The Biotechnology program at CNM has been updated. See current catalog for updated program.

BIOT 2475 Bioinformatics and Proteomics

The Biotechnology program at CNM has been updated. See current catalog for updated program.

BIOT 2810 Biotech Seminar

The Biotechnology program at CNM has been updated. See current catalog for updated program.

CDV 2890 CYFD Practicum

HSV 289 replaces CDV 2890

CIS 1130 Windows

Course discontinued.

CIS 1836 Disaster Recovery

CIS 2836 Disaster Recovery replaces CIS 1836.

CIS 2858 Computer and Network Ethics

Course discontinued.

DETC 2999 Diesel Equipment Technology Capstone Course

Transportation Technology degree uses Automotive capstone course (AUTC 2999).

DMS 1110 Introduction to Diagnostic Medical Sonography

HLTH 1040 is replacing DMS 1110 and RADT 1001.

ENG 2208 Popular Literature: Espionage Fiction

Course discontinued.

ENG 2209 Popular Literature: Western

Course discontinued.

ENG 2215 Film Genres: Hitchcock/Kubrick

Course discontinued.

ENG 2252 Introduction to Shakespeare

Course discontinued.

ENG 2270 Modern Literature

Course discontinued.

FITT 2492 Group Exercise Leadership Preparation

Replaced by FITT 1210 - Group Exercise Leadership I

HIST 2230 Twentieth Century Russia

Course discontinued.

NA 1015 Nursing Assistant

This is being replaced with separate theory, lab and clinical courses.

NURS 1007 Dosage Calculations (CR/NC)

Course switched to NRSG prefix.

NURS 1080 Introduction to Nursing

Course switched to NRSG prefix.

NURS 1092 Supplemental Lab (CR/NC)

Course switched to NRSG prefix.

NURS 1096-1996 Special Topics

Course switched to NRSG prefix.

NURS 1580 Nursing Care of the Adult Client

Course switched to NRSG prefix.

NURS 1592 Supplemental Lab (CR/NC)

Course switched to NRSG prefix.

NURS 2002 Pharmacology in Nursing

Course switched to NRSG prefix.


Course switched to NRSG prefix.

NURS 2084 Concepts for LPN to AASN Transitioning Students

Course switched to NRSG prefix.

NURS 2096 Special Topics

Course switched to NRSG prefix.

OTEC 1171 Working with the Challenging Customer

Course discontinued.

OTEC 1173 Time Management Skills

Course discontinued.

OTEC 1192 Keyboard Skillbuilding

Course replaced with OTEC 1102 - Keyboard Skillbuilding

OTEC 1193 Keyboard Skillbuilding II

Course replaced with OTEC 1103 - Keyboard Skillbuilding II   

OTEC 2999 Capstone Course

Course discontinued.

PCT 1015 Patient Care Tech

This course is being replaced with separate theory and lab courses, PCT 1020 and PCT 1092.  

PHIL 2250 Philosophy of Education

Course discontinued.

PHIL 2257 Formal Logic

Course discontinued.

RADT 1001 Radiologic Technology Introduction

HLTH 1040 is replacing RADT 1001 and DMS 1110.

RAD T1005 Fundamentals of Radiography

RADT program reconfigured; courses now sequenced to better align with a curriculum structure for Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) accreditation. See current catalog for updated program.

RADT 1093 Clinical Lab I

RADT program reconfigured; courses now sequenced to better align with a curriculum structure for Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) accreditation. See current catalog for updated program.

RADT 1593 Clinical Lab II

RADT program reconfigured; courses now sequenced to better align with a curriculum structure for Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) accreditation. See current catalog for updated program.

RADT 2001 Radiographic Quality Assurance Introduction

RADT program reconfigured; courses now sequenced to better align with a curriculum structure for Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) accreditation. See current catalog for updated program.

RADT 2092 Radiographic Film Critique Lab

RADT program reconfigured; courses now sequenced to better align with a curriculum structure for Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) accreditation. See current catalog for updated program.

RADT 2093 Clinical Lab III

RADT program reconfigured; courses now sequenced to better align with a curriculum structure for Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) accreditation. See current catalog for updated program.

VT 1001 Animal Science Terminology

Course discontinued.

VT 1004 Veterinary Medical Terminology

VT 1011 replaces VT 1010 and VT 1004 in the VT curriculum.

VT 1006 Veterinary Office Skills

Course discontinued.

VT 1010 Introduction to Veterinary Technology

VT 1011 replaces VT 1010 and VT 1004 in the VT curriculum.


SAGE Course Deactivations   

CSE 0450 Career Options

Course learning outcomes are addressed in CSE 1101.

CSE 0650 College Survival

Course learning outcomes are addressed in CSE 1101.

CSE 1010 Online Success

Course learning outcomes are addressed in CSE 1101.

CSE 1120 Career Exploration

Course learning outcomes are addressed in CSE 1101.

CSE 1140 Learning Strategies

Course learning outcomes are addressed in CSE 1101.

CSE1160 Research Techniques

Course learning outcomes are addressed in CSE 1101.


GED Preparation Courses

From Fall 2015 forward CNM will designate our high-school equivalency preparation courses using the prefix GE (for “General Education”) followed by a prefix reflecting the sub-disciplines ( GEMA for MATH;  GELA for Language Arts; GESC for Science; GESP for Spanish; GESS for Social Studies).

GEDC 0550 Reading and Writing I

Course replaced with GELA 0550.

GEDC 0650 Reading and Writing II

Course replaced with GELA 0750.

GEDC 0660 Reading and Writing II

Course replaced with GELA 0750.

GEDI 0500 Basic Skills Integrated

Course replaced with GEMA 0550 for Math or GELA 0550 for Language Arts.

GEDI 0510 Basic Skills Integrated

Course replaced with GEMA 0550 for Math OR GELA 0550 for Language Arts.

GEDI 0520 Spanish GED

This course been replaced with GESP courses.

GEDI 0650 Computer Literacy

Course discontinued.  Elements of this course are now taught in all ABE courses.

GEDI 0660 Computer Literacy

Course discontinued.  Elements of this course are now taught in all ABE courses.

GEDI 0900 GED Refresher

Course Discontinued. 

GEDI 0910 GED Refresher

Course Discontinued. 

GEDM 0450 Math Fundamentals

Course replaced with GEMA 0450.

GEDM 0460 Math Fundamentals

Course replaced with GEMA 0450.

GEDM 0550 Decimals, Fractions and Measurements

Course replaced with GEMA 0550.

GEDM 0560 Decimals, Fractions and Measurements

Course replaced with GEMA 0550.

GEDM 0650 Proportions, Percentages and Data Analysis

Course replaced with GEMA 0750.

GEDM 0660 Proportions, Percentages and Data Analysis

Course replaced with GEMA 0750.

GEDR 0250 Basic Language Skills

Course discontinued

GEDW 0850 General Composition  

Course replaced with GELA 0950

Modified or Discontinued Programs

No academic programs listed here were terminated prior to program conclusion by enrolled students.

Manufacturing Technology, Post Degree Certificate of Completion   

Program discontinued.

Patient Care Technician-Emergency Medical Technician Certificate of Completion   

This program has been modified and is now offered as Patient Care Technician, Certificate of Completion .

Patient Care Technician-Nursing Assistant Certificate of Achievement

This program has been modified and is now offered as Patient Care Technician, Certificate of Completion .

Photonics Technology, Post Degree Certificate of Completion

Program discontinued.

Pre-Health Science, Pre-Dental Assisting Concentration AA - Associate of Arts   

This Pre-Health Science concentration has been discontinued. Students interested in this subject area may consider the Dental Assisting, Certificate of Completion  program.

Pre-Health Science, Pre-Diagnostic Medical Sonography AA - Associate of Arts

This Pre-Health Science concentration has been discontinued. Students interested in this subject area may consider the Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Associate of Applied Science  program.

Pre-Health Science, Pre-Medical Laboratory Technician AA - Associate of Arts   

This Pre-Health Science concentration has been discontinued. Students interested in this subject area may consider the Medical Laboratory Technician, Associate of Applied Science  program.

Pre-Health Science, Pre-Paramedic Concentration AA - Associate of Arts   

This Pre-Health Science concentration has been discontinued. Students interested in this subject area may consider the Community Paramedic, Certificate of Completion  or the Emergency Medical Services (AAS), Paramedic Concentration  programs.

Pre-Health Science, Pre-Radiologic Technology AA - Associate of Arts   

This Pre-Health Science concentration has been discontinued. Students interested in this subject area may consider the Radiologic Technology, Associate of Applied Science  or Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Associate of Applied Science  programs.

Pre-Health Science, Pre-Respiratory Therapy Concentration AA - Associate of Arts

This Pre-Health Science concentration has been discontinued. Students interested in this subject area may consider the Respiratory Therapy, Associate of Applied Science  program.

Pre-Health Science, Pre-Veterinary Technology Concentration AA - Associate of Arts   

This Pre-Health Science concentration has been discontinued. Students interested in this subject area may consider the Veterinary Receptionist, Certificate of Achievement  or Veterinary Technology, Associate of Applied Science  programs.