Jan 14, 2025  
2016 - 2018 CNM Catalog, Volume 49 
2016 - 2018 CNM Catalog, Volume 49 [The CNM Academic Year includes Fall, Spring, Summer Terms]

Where’s My Course?

Proficiency/Prerequisite Changes

As part of a major student success initiative, CNM faculty have restructured the foundational skill and proficiency requirements – our SAGE courses.

SAGE courses are designed to allow students to master basic academic skills as well as to apply known information to new and “real world” situations, to work effectively on teams, to integrate relevant technologies into their lives, and to communicate effectively. SAGE courses use collaborative and/or cooperative learning activities, lecture, computer-assisted instruction (as appropriate and/or available), individualized instruction, demonstrations, project-based activities, and hands-on activities. The changes in these areas are explained in the three documents linked here:

Where’s My SAGE Course?   SAGE Math Options   SAGE Integrated Reading/Writing (IRW) FAQ  

All Other Course Changes

Deactivated Course


ACCT - 1303 - Volunteer Tax Review Replaced with ACCT 1401 and ACCT 1498 in order to divide theory from internship.
BA - 1015 - Introduction to Internet Commerce Current course material is covered in other courses.
BA - 1122 - Business Writing This course material was absorbed into OTEC 1125.
BA - 2232 – Supervision This coursework has been combined with another course to eliminate course duplication.
BA - 2273 - Real Estate Finance This course is not required for basic licensing.
BPCS - 1010 - Basic Patient Care Skills This course has been replaced by lab course BPCS 1092.
CDV - 2203 - Introduction to Addiction Counseling This course has been redesignated HSV as 2203.
CDV - 2204 - Professional Issues in Substance Abuse Treatment This course has been redesignated HSV as 2204.
CDV - 2205 - Adolescent Substance Abuse: Prevention and Treatment This course has been redesignated as HSV 2205.
CIS - 1210 - JavaScript Web Programming I This course has been replaced and augmented by CIS 1275.
CIS - 1853 - Introduction to Info Systems This course was eliminated as comprising information already possessed by our students.
CIS - 2836 - Disaster Recovery This course content is covered in other courses in the program.
COS - 2693 - Advanced Salon Lab II This course was eliminated as noncritical or redundant.
EMS - 2380 - Clinical Review I (CR/NC) This course content was absorbed into other courses.
EMS - 2580 - Clinical Review II (CR/NC) This course content was absorbed into other courses.
EMS - 2999 - Paramedic Capstone This capstone coursework was incorporated into EMS 2690.
ENG - 0550 - Basic Writing and Reading Skills
This course content was included as part of IRW 0970.
ENG - 0750 - Practical Writing This course content was included as part of IRW 0970.
ENG - 0950 - Essay Writing This course content was included as part of IRW 0980.
ESOL - 0751 - Practical Writing for Speakers of Other Languages This course was replaced by ESOL 0971, which integrates reading and writing skills.
ESOL - 0951 - Essay Writing for Speakers of Other Languages This course was replaced by ESOL 0981, which integrates reading and writing skills.
FITT - 1095 - Cooperative Education Students will all do their intern/externship through FITT 1090, fitness technician practicum.
FITT - 1292 - Boxing Conditioning This course was not a required course for the fitness certificate or the fitness degree and does not meet criteria as a core elective.
FITT - 1293 - Fall Prevention Training for Older Adults This course was not a required course for the fitness certificate or the fitness degree and does not meet criteria as a core elective.
FITT - 1692 - Beginning Country Western Dance This course was not a required course for the fitness certificate or the fitness degree and does not meet criteria as a core elective.
FITT - 2072 - Motor Learning
This course was not a required course for the fitness certificate or the fitness degree and does not meet criteria as a core elective.
FITT - 2074 - Tests & Measurements This course was not a required course for the fitness certificate or the fitness degree and does not meet criteria as a core elective.
FITT - 2094 - Advanced Weight Training for Women This course was not a required course for the fitness certificate or the fitness degree and does not meet criteria as a core elective.
FITT - 2192 - Fitness for Older Adults II This course was not a required course for the fitness certificate or the fitness degree and does not meet criteria as a core elective.
FITT - 2394 - Core Mat This course content is taught as part of FITT 1693
HIT - 1055 – PathoPharm This course is being split into two seperate courses: one on pathophysiology and one on pharmacology & lab procedures.
MATH - 0750 - Basic College Mathematics Much of this course content has been incorporated in MATH 0970.
MATH - 0930 - Algebraic Problem Solving I This course content has been incorporated in MATH 0970.
MATH - 0940 - Algebraic Problem Solving II This course content has been incorporated in MATH 0980.
MLT - 1090 - Clinical Experience Urinalysis This course content  has been absorbed into other courses.
PM - 1150 - Effective Project Management The concepts in this course are being taught in PM 1130 and PM 2200.
PM - 2210 - Contract Management This course content  has been absorbed into PM 2200.
PTA - 1001 - Introduction to Physical Therapy Assistant Alternative courses with differing credit hours, titles and descriptions were developed for this subject matter.
PTA - 1015 - Therapeutic Kinesiology I Alternative courses with differing credit hours, titles and descriptions were developed for this subject matter.
PTA - 1025 - Rehabilitation I Alternative courses with differing credit hours, titles and descriptions were developed for this subject matter.
PTA - 1035 - Therapeutic Procedures I Alternative courses with differing credit hours, titles and descriptions were developed for this subject matter.
PTA - 1510 - Biomechanical Pathophysiology Alternative courses with differing credit hours, titles and descriptions were developed for this subject matter.
PTA - 1525 - Therapeutic Kinesiology II Alternative courses with differing credit hours, titles and descriptions were developed for this subject matter.
PTA - 1535 - Rehabilitation II Alternative courses with differing credit hours, titles and descriptions were developed for this subject matter.
PTA - 1545 - Therapeutic Procedures II Alternative courses with differing credit hours, titles and descriptions were developed for this subject matter.
PTA - 1590 - Clinical Experience I Alternative courses with differing credit hours, titles and descriptions were developed for this subject matter.
PTA - 2015 - Therapeutic Procedures III Alternative courses with differing credit hours, titles and descriptions were developed for this subject matter.
PTA - 2590 - Clinical Experience III Alternative courses with differing credit hours, titles and descriptions were developed for this subject matter.
PTA - 2999 - PTA Registry Review Alternative courses with differing credit hours, titles and descriptions were developed for this subject matter.
RADT - 1507 - Patient Care and Management Radiography This course was replaced by RADT 1092 and BPCS 1092.
RADT - 2810 - Radiologic Technology Capstone This course number was changed to RADT - 2999.
RDG - 0750 - Reading Improvement This course was included as part of IRW 0970.
RDG - 0950 - Reading and Critical Thinking This course was included as part of IRW 0980.
RT - 1070 - Respiratory Therapy I This course was replaced by RT 1060 + RT 1092
RT - 1540 - Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology I This course was replaced by RT 1080.
RT - 1570 - Respiratory Therapy Principles and Practices II This course was replaced by RT 1560 + RT 1592.
RT - 2040 - Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology II This course was replaced.
RT - 2070 - Advanced Respiratory Therapy I This course was incorporated into other courses.
RT - 2220 - Introduction to Sleep Disorder Medicine The original polysomnography courses were replaced with courses that have the PSG prefix.
RT - 2270 - Sleep Disorders Principles and Practices The original polysomnography courses were replaced with courses that have the PSG prefix.
RT - 2290 - Sleep Disorders Clinical Experience I The original polysomnography courses were replaced with courses that have the PSG prefix.
RT - 2440 - Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology III This course was replaced.
RT - 2470 - Advanced Respiratory Therapy II This course was replaced with separate lab and theory courses: RT 2460 and RT 2492.
RT - 2670 - Sleep Disorders Principles and Practices II The original polysomnography courses were replaced with courses that have the PSG prefix.
RT - 2690 - Sleep Disorders Clinical Experience II The original polysomnography courses were replaced with courses that have the PSG prefix.
RT - 2840 - Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology IV This course was incorporated into other courses.
RT - 2870 - Advanced Respiratory Therapy III This course was replaced by RT - 2480.
RT - 2890 - Advanced Clinical Experiences III No longer appropriate for curriculum.
SUR - 1017 - Traffic Control and NSPS Survey Technician Certification Prep No longer appropriate for curriculum.
VT - 1252 - Radiology for Veterinary Technicians Laboratory Course was replaced with VT 1292.
VT - 2180 - Veterinary Technology Clinical I Course was replaced with VT 2190.
VT - 2652 - Anesthesiology for Veterinary Technicians Lab Course was replaced with VT 2692.
VT - 2810 - Veterinary Technology Clinical III This course was replaced by VT 2890.

Deactivated/Restructured Programs

Computer Information Systems (AAS), Database Technology Concentration

Computer Information Systems (AAS), Information Technology Systems and Services Concentration

Computer Information Systems (AAS), Web Technology Concentration

Geographic Information Technology (Certificate of Completion), Surveying Concentration

Polysomnography, Certificate of Achievement

Pre-Health Science (AA), Pre-Health Education: School Health Concentration