Jan 14, 2025  
2016 - 2018 CNM Catalog, Volume 49 
2016 - 2018 CNM Catalog, Volume 49 [The CNM Academic Year includes Fall, Spring, Summer Terms]

What’s New!

New Programs:

Beverage Management, Certificate of Completion  

Sustainable Building Technology, Certificate of Completion  

Brewing Technology, Certificate of Achievement  

Brewing and Beverage Management (AAS)  

Community Health Worker, Certificate of Achievement  

Computer Information Systems (AAS), Computer Support Specialist Concentration  

Computer Information Systems (AAS), Web Programming Concentration  

Computer Information Systems (Certificate of Completion), Cloud Technology  

Computer Information Systems (Certificate of Completion), Computer Programming  

Computer Information Systems (Certificate of Completion), Computer Support Specialist  

Computer Information Systems (Certificate of Completion), Network Administration  

Computer Information Systems (Certificate of Completion), Systems Administration  

Computer Information Systems (Certificate of Completion), Web Programming  

Construction for Film, Certificate of Completion  

Culinary Arts (AAS), Beverage Management Concentration  

Customer Service Representative, Certificate of Completion  

ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Communication and Culture, Certificate of Completion  

Earth and Planetary Science, Associate of Science  

Emergency Medical Services (Certificate of Completion), Emergency Room Technician  

Film Technology (AAS)  

General Studies, Certificate of Completion  

Geography, Associate of Arts  

Health, Wellness, and Public Safety (HWPS), Certificate of Completion  

Home Health Aide, Certificate of Achievement  

Polysomnographic Technology, Associate of Applied Science  

Pre-Health Science (AS), Pre-Medical Concentration  

Pre-Health Science, Pre-Medical Certificate of Completion  

Rapid Prototyping and Innovative Design, Certificate of Achievement  

Retail Management, Certificate of Completion  

Surveying Technology, Certificate of Completion  

New Courses:

ACCT 1115 - Introduction to Financial Accounting  

ACCT 1401 - Volunteer Tax Updates  

ACCT 1498 - Volunteer Tax Internship II  

ARTS 1130 - Digital Studio Fundamentals  

ARTS 1135 - Introduction to Digital Photography  

ASL 1101 - Beginning American Sign Language  

AT 1010 - Applied Technologies in Construction  

AT 1020 - Applied Technologies in Design  

AT 1030 - Applied Technologies in Manufacturing  

AT 1040 - Applied Technologies in Transportation  

AT 1096 - 1996 - Special Topics  

BEV 1100 - Beer Production and Styles  

BEV 1110 - Brewing Equipment and Maintenance  

BEV 1130 - Beer Production I  

BEV 1140 - Beer Production II  

BEV 1160 - Beverage Service I  

BEV 1192 - Draught Systems  

BEV 2160 - Beverage Service II  

BIO 1592 - Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory  

BIO 1692 - Genetics Laboratory  

BIO 2492 - Ecology & Evolution Laboratory  

BIO 2592 - Plant & Animal Form and Function Laboratory  

BPCS 1092 - Basic Patient Care Skills  

CDHC 1119 - Fundamentals of Community Health Coordination  

CHW 1010 - Community Health Worker Fundamentals  

CHW 1020 - Health Promotion  

CHW 1090 - Community Health Worker Practicum  

CIS 2341 - Web Presence  

CIS 2763 - Web Programming Framework  

CIS 2860 - Digital Forensics  

CIS 2899 - Cyber Security Capstone  

CJ 2998 - Criminal Justice Capstone  

CM 1233 - Sustainable Building Practices  

CM 2230 - Building Energy Analysis  

DANC 1169 - Flamenco Dance I  

EDUC 1190 - Teacher Education Practicum  

EDUC 2243 - Children’s Literature  

EDUC 2315 - Educating Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students  

EMS 2015 - EMS Combo BLS/ILS/ALS Refresher  

EMS 2105 - EMS Program Success Course  

EMS 2192 - Drug Calculations Lab  

EMS 2790 - Capstone Field Experience  

EPS 1211 - Dinosaurs  

EPS 2201 - Earth History  

EPS 2292 - Earth History Laboratory  

ESOL 0971 - Integrated Reading and Writing for Speakers of Other Languages I  

ESOL 0981 - Integrated Reading and Writing for Speakers of Other Languages II  

ESOL 1001 - Academic and Workplace Communication for Specific Purposes  

ESOL 1010 - Reading and Vocabulary for Specific Purposes  

ESOL 1020 - English Composition and Grammar for Specific Purposes  

ESOL 1030 - U.S. Culture and Contemporary Issues for Specific Purposes  

FILM 1004 - Shooting Your Story  

FILM 2001 - Art Department  

FILM 2002 - Directing for the Camera  

FILM 2005 - Advanced Film Editing  

FILM 2010 - Survey of Films and Film Industry  

GEMS 0500 - General Education Multi-Subject  

GEOG 1960 - Geography of Food  

GEOG 2510 - Meteorology  

GIS 1002 - Fundamentals of Geospatial Technology  

GIS 1008 - Land Information Systems  

GIS 2008 - GPS Field Mapping  

GIS 2011 - Remote Sensing and Image Processing  

HHA 1090 - Home Health Attendant Foundation Skills: Personal Care Assistant  

HHA 1190 - Home Health Aide Advanced Skills  

HIT 1240 - Principles of Disease  

HIT 1250 - Pharmacology and Laboratory Procedures  

HLTH 1010 - Medical Ethics and Law  

HSV 2203 - Introduction to Addiction Counseling  

HSV 2204 - Professional Issues in Substance Abuse Treatment  

HSV 2205 - Adolescent Substance Abuse: Prevention and Treatment  

HT 1111 - Guest Service Management  

HT 2240 - Hospitality Law  

IRW 0970 - Integrated Reading and Writing I  

IRW 0980 - Integrated Reading and Writing II  

LTAM 1110 - Introduction to Latin American Studies  

LTAM 1111 - Latin American Film  

MATH 0970 - Algebraic Problem Solving I  

MATH 0980 - Algebraic Problem Solving II  

MATH 1331 - Introduction to Data Analysis Using Technology  

NA 1096-1996 - Special Topics  

NAVS 1193 - Navy & Marine Corps Fitness  

PSG 1010 - Introduction to EEG  

PSG 1020 - Applied Neurologic Anatomy and Physiology  

PSG 1035 - Biomedical Electronics  

PSG 1040 - Introduction to Sleep Disorder Medicine  

PSG 1535 - Sleep Disorders Principles and Practices  

PSG 1590 - Polysomnography Clinical Experience I  

PSG 2035 - Sleep Therapeutics  

PSG 2045 - Record Scoring  

PSG 2090 - Polysomnography Clinical Experience II  

PTA 1010 - The Profession of Physical Therapy  

PTA 1020 - Pre-PTA Anatomy Fundamentals  

PTA 1110 - Orientation to Physical Therapist Assistant  

PTA 1120 - Clinical Kinesiology  

PTA 1130 - PTA Pathophysiology  

PTA 1140 - PTA Procedures I  

PTA 1520 - Therapeutic Exercise  

PTA 1530 - Orthopedics for PTA  

PTA 1540 - Clinical Neurology and Management  

PTA 1550 - Physical Agents  

PTA 2010 - PTA Procedures II  

PTA 2210 - Professional Issues  

PTA 2290 - Clinical Practicum II  

PTA 2390 - Clinical Practicum III  

RADT 1092 - Patient Care for Radiography  

RADT 2999 - Radiologic Technology Capstone  

RPID 1005 - 3 Dimensional CAD  

RPID 1010 - Design and Simulation  

RPID 1015 - Prototype Fabrication I  

RPID 1020 - Prototype Fabrication II  

RT 1060 - Respiratory Therapy I  

RT 1080 - Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology I  

RT 1092 - Respiratory Therapy Lab I  

RT 1560 - Respiratory Therapy II  

RT 1580 - Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology II  

RT 1592 - Supplemental Skills Lab  

RT 1593 RT 1593 - Respiratory Therapy Lab II  

RT 2060 - Advanced Respiratory Therapy I  

RT 2080 - Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology III  

RT 2092 - Advanced Supplemental Skills Lab  

RT 2093 RT 2093 - Advanced Respiratory Therapy Lab I  

RT 2460 - Advanced Respiratory Therapy II  

RT 2480 - Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology IV  

RT 2492 - Advanced Respiratory Therapy Lab II  

SERV 1190 - Service Learning  

SPAN 1104 - Spanish for Medical Professionals  

SPAN 2204 - Spanish Language in Film  

SUR 2001 - Intermediate Field Procedures  

SUR 2002 - Intermediate Surveying Topics  

SUR 2096-2996 - Special Topics  

THEA 1169 - Introduction to Stage Lighting  


Rev. 3-22-16