Sep 23, 2024  
2014 - 2015 CNM Catalog April 2014, Volume 47 
2014 - 2015 CNM Catalog April 2014, Volume 47 [The CNM Academic Year includes Fall, Spring, Summer Terms]

Course Descriptions


Office Technology

School of Business & Information Technology (BIT)

  • OTEC 2095 - Cooperative Education

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)(Recommended course: CIS 1120  + BA 1121 )

    Requires a minimum of 150 hours in a new office-related position. If the student is currently employed in area of study, the 150 hours must involve a new learning experience. Student trainees are paid by the cooperating firm and supervised jointly by CNM and the employer. The student and employer determine the weekly contact hours.
    • Previously OTEC 299
    • 135 lab hours

  • OTEC 2096-2996 - Special Topics

    1-3 credit hour(s)
    Presents various topics.
    (all courses ending in 96 are special topics) See Schedule of Classes.
  • OTEC 2097 - Independent Study

    1-6 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)

    Requires the student and instructor to define a specific problem in the area of the student’s interest and directly related to the program. Student develops and executes a solution using analytical techniques to the problem. An oral presentation may be required.
  • OTEC 2098 - Internship

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval, Recommended prerequisite: CIS 1120  + BA 1121 )

    Requires a minimum of 150 hours at office-related supervised workstations. If the student is currently employed in area of study, the 150 hours must involve a new learning experience. Students are not paid for their work but are supervised jointly by CNM and the employer. The student and employer determine the weekly contact hours.
    • Previously OTEC 298
    • 135 lab hours

  • OTEC 2201 - Document Production and Integration

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: CIS 1120 ) (Pre- or corequisite: CIS 1173 )(Recommended course:OTEC 1193 )

    Create and format documents to develop business document production skill. Presents advanced applications for document integration.
    • 30 theory hours
    • 45 lab hours

  • OTEC 2260 - Business Procedures

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: BA 1121 CIS 1120 ) (Pre- or corequisite: CIS 1173 OTEC 2201 )(Recommended course: OTEC 1193  + BA 1122 )

    Covers office procedures, technology, records management, human relations, ethics, telecommunications and job portfolio.
  • OTEC 2270 - Medical Transcription

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: BA 1121  + CIS 1120  or OTEC 1143  + OTEC 1192  + HIT 1020 )

    Students will learn to transcribe a variety of medical reports, letters, and memorandums according to the American Association for Medical Transcription (AAMT) and Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) guidelines.
    • 30 theory hours
    • 45 lab hours

  • OTEC 2999 - Capstone Course

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: OTEC 2231  + OTEC 2260  or department approval)

    Focuses on assessment of exit competencies for the OTEC program of study and assessment of CNM’s core competencies. (Taken in student’s last term) Students graduating under catalogs prior to Fall 2011 should take this course in lieu of BA2999. May substitute BA 2999

Process Control

School of Applied Technologies

  • PC 2001 - Electromechanical System Troubleshooting

    4 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: ELEC 2001  or ELEC 2005 )

    Uses electromechanical systems donated by local industries. Initially focuses on systematic analysis to locate problems. Apply troubleshooting techniques to a complete electronic system. Expose students to equipment schematics, maintenance procedures and practice preventive and corrective maintenance troubleshooting.
    • 30 theory hours
    • 90 lab hours

  • PC 2005 - CIM Theory and Applications and Mobile Robot Design

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: ELEC 1005  + ELEC 1020 )

    Includes theory of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM), CIM systems used in industry and the programming and operation of such systems and micro-controllers.
    • 30 theory hours
    • 45 lab hours

  • PC 2010 - Robot Theory and Construction Applications

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: ELEC 1005  + ELEC 1020 )

    Includes theory, operation and maintenance procedures of industrial robots along with DC motors and motordrive circuitry and communications technology. Class will also complete a project (utilizing an industrial robot system) designed and constructed by students.
    • 30 theory hours
    • 45 lab hours

Patient Care Tech

 School of Health, Wellness, & Public Safety (HWPS)

  • PCT 1015 - Patient Care Tech

    6 credit hour(s)
    (Prequisites: RDG 0950  + ENG 0950  + MATH 0930  or appropriate placement scores  + HLTH 1001  + NA 1015  or EMS 1190  + BPCS 1010 ) (Corequisite: PCT 1090 )

    Provides students who have demonstrated competence in basic patient care skills the knowledge needed to function as a Patient Care Tech in the acute care setting. Course provides instruction on medical terminology and supervised practice of sterile technique, urinary catheterization, gastric intubation, EKG lead placement, venipuncture, point of care testing and other procedures related to the care of a patient in an acute care setting.
    • 60 theory hours
    • 90 lab hours

  • PCT 1090 - Patient Care Tech Clinical Experience

    2 credit hour(s)
    (Correquisite: PCT 1015 )

    Provides students who have successfully completed the Patient Care Tech course with clinical experience in an acute care setting or clinic. Students will perform the skills within the role of the patient care tech including health unit coordinator duties, on various inpatient units. Background check and drug screen required.
    •   90 clinical hours


School of Communication, Humanities, & Social Sciences (CHSS)

  • PHIL 1102 - Ethics in Society

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement scores )

    Examines important ethical theories and contemporary moral issues such as war and violence, the death penalty, euthanasia, privacy, animal rights and world hunger. Assists students in critically examining their own views and those of others, past and present, on these issues.
  • PHIL 1110 - Introduction to Philosophical Thought

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement scores . Recommended prerequisite: ENG 1101 )

    Surveys the philosophical issues addressed by great thinkers of the western tradition. Introduces questions about knowledge, reality, goodness, the idea of God, government and society and the self.
  • PHIL 1156 - Logic and Critical Thinking

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement scores )

    Introduces the tools of reason helpful in everyday decision making, skills for argument analysis and effective communication of ideas. Surveys informal fallacies and formal deductive systems.
  • PHIL 2096-2996 - Special Topics

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement scores )

    Presents various topics.
    (all courses ending in 96 are special topics) See Schedule of Classes.
  • PHIL 2201 - Greek Philosophy

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: ENG 1101 )

    This will be a 2000-level introductory survey of early and classical Greek philosophy. The course will include discussion of: The Presocratics, Sophists, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Topics to be discussed: beginnings of scientific thought, theories of the self, the concept of being, virtue ethics, ethical relativism, happiness, and theories of justice.
  • PHIL 2202 - Modern Philosophy

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: ENG 1101 )

    This will be a 2000-level introductory survey of early modern philosophy. The course will include discussion of early scientific empiricists, the continental rationalist tradition, British empiricism, and Kant’s synthesis of the two systems. Topics to be discussed include: early scientific thought, theories of the self, theories of knowledge and metaphysics, and early political philosophy.
  • PHIL 2244 - Introduction to Existentialism

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement scores )

    Focuses on the development of existentialist themes including authenticity, freedom, and meaninglessness from the nineteenth century to today. Examines representative authors in the tradition such as Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre, and de Beauvoir. Explores the effects of existentialism within philosophy and culture at large.
  • PHIL 2245 - Business Ethics

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement scores )

    Provides a forum for discussion of the ethical and social problems affecting the business community. Examines differing views of economic justice.
  • PHIL 2246 - Environmental Ethics

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement score )

    Provides a forum for discussion of the ethical and social problems concerning the relationship between human activity (farming, industry, etc.) and the Earth’s environment.
  • PHIL 2247 - Biomedical Ethics

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement score )

    Provides a forum for discussion of the ethical and social problems affecting the medical professional and the practice of medicine.
  • PHIL 2248 - Ethics Of Technology

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement score )

    Provides a forum for discussion of the ethical and social problems arising from the uses of computers and technology.
  • PHIL 2250 - Philosophy of Education

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement score )

    Presents critical examination of classical and contemporary educational theories and philosophical movements in education. Emphasizes the relationship of philosophical theory and educational practice.
  • PHIL 2257 - Formal Logic

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement score )

    Introduces formal deductive logic: propositional logic, truth tables, argument forms and fallacies, predicate (symbolic) logic and method of proof.


School of Health, Wellness, & Public Safety (HWPS)

  • PHLB 1090 - Clinical Phlebotomy

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: PHLB 1010  + PHLB 1092 )

    Provides opportunity for students to practice phlebotomy procedures on actual patients in area hospitals and clinics.
    • 135 clinical hours

  • PHLB 1092 - Phlebotomy Lab

    2 credit hour(s)
    (Corequisite: PHLB 1010 )

    Provides opportunity to practice phlebotomy skills and apply theory using artificial arms and human subjects.
    • 90 lab hours

  • PHLB 1096-1996 - Special Topics

    1-6 credit hour(s)
    Presents various topics.
    (all courses ending in 96 are special topics) See Schedule of Classes.


School of Applied Technologies

  • PHOT 1003 - Fundamentals of Photonics

    3 credit hour(s)
    This course presents: the elements of fiber optics including; theory and operation of fiber optics; integrated optics; optical circuitry. The course also presents light propagation theories. Safety procedures concerning lasers and related equipment are presented in this course.
    • 30 theory hours
    • 45 lab hours

  • PHOT 1010 - Fiber Optics

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PHOT 1003 )

    Presents optical wave-guides and fibers as well as Fiber Optics Telecommunication. The course covers basic fiber optics components and active devices such detectors for fiber optic systems, isolators, attenuators, circulators, couplers, cables, connectors, switches, pump lasers, transmission systems and repeaters.
    • 30 theory hours
    • 45 lab hours

  • PHOT 2001 - Optics

    6 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PHOT 1001 )

    Presents basic geometrical (ray) and physical (wave) optics. The course covers the basics of the light reflection and refraction and the use of simple optical elements. It reviews light wave interference, diffraction and polarization; the use of thin film coatings on mirrors; laser beam divergence in the near and far field; and the operation of such devices as gratings and quarter-wave plates. It also covers wave length, dispersion and refractive index measurements and the concept of modulation transfer function.
    • 60 theory hours
    • 90 lab hours

  • PHOT 2003 - Photonics and Laser Systems

    4 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PHOT 1003 )

    This course applies the principles presented in PHOT 1003 as they relate to laser systems and photonics enabled technologies.
    • 30 theory hours
    • 90 lab hours

  • PHOT 2010 - Advanced Fiber Optics

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PHOT 1010 ) (Pre- or corequisite: ELEC 2001 )

    Introduces metrology of Fiber Optic systems. It also covers source of loss in fiber optics networks and components: insertion loss, return loss and polarization dependent loss. Current fiber optics systems are explored.
    • 30 theory hours
    • 45 lab hours

  • PHOT 2013 - Advanced Photonics and Laser Systems

    5 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PHOT 2003 )

    This course is a continuation of PHOT 2003 with further exploration of lasers and optical systems and applied technologies.
    • 30 theory hours
    • 135 lab hours

  • PHOT 2025 - Photonics Projects

    4 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisites: PHOT 2020  + PHOT 2010 )

    Introduces the student to creative photonics design by participation in small project groups. Each group will select a photonics problem to solve by using innovative optical circuitry and possibly the construction of a working model.
    • 15 theory hours
    • 135 lab hours

  • PHOT 2095 - Cooperative Education

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)

    Provides the opportunity for the student to work on a cooperative basis in an appropriate training program. Position is paid.
  • PHOT 2096-2996 - Special Topics

    1-7 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)

    Presents various topics.
    (all courses ending in 96 are special topics) See Schedule of Classes.
  • PHOT 2097 - Independent Study

    1-7 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite:  department approval)

    Presents a problem to investigate and solve. The student designs the solution using a combination of techniques.
  • PHOT 2098 - Internship

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)

    Provides the opportunity for the student to work for one term on a cooperative basis in an appropriate training program. The position is not paid.
  • PHOT 2999 - Capstone

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: PHOT 2020 )

    Capstone projects course.


School of Math, Science & Engineering

  • PHYS 1010 - Introduction to Physics

    3 credit hour(s)

    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  or appropriate placement scores . Recommended course: MATH 0940 )*

    Surveys basic concepts and phenomena of physics.

    * A working knowledge of basic algebra is useful.

  • PHYS 1092 - Introduction to Physics Laboratory

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: MATH 0940  + PHYS 1010 )

    PHYS 1092 is a laboratory course that focuses on experiments and activities investigating the physical phenomena and concepts discussed in PHYS 1010 - Introduction to Physics . Topics of investigation will include mechanics, the properties of matter, heat, sound, electricity and magnetism and light.
  • PHYS 1096-1996 - Special Topics

    Special Topics credit hour(s)
    Presents various topics.
    • All courses ending in 96 are special topics

  • PHYS 1510 - Physics I

    4 credit hour(s)

    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950  + MATH 1315  or MATH 1415  or MATH 1460 ) (Recommended course: PHYS 1592 )*

    Introduces mechanics, sound and heat in non-calculus based format. Satisfies pre-medical, pre-dental pre-optometry and certain Technologies requirements.

    * It is strongly recommended that students take the lab course concurrently with the lecture. The lab experience serves to enhance the student’s understanding of the concepts discussed in the lecture.

  • PHYS 1592 - Physics I Laboratory

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: PHYS 1510 )

    Emphasizes real-time experiments in mechanics, heat and sound. Introduces computer data collection and analysis.
    • 45 lab hours

  • PHYS 1610 - Physics II

    4 credit hour(s)

    (Prerequisites: RDG 0950  + PHYS 1510 ) (Recommended course: PHYS 1692 )*

    Focuses on electricity, magnetism and optics in non-calculus-based setting.

    * It is strongly recommended that students take the lab course concurrently with the lecture. The lab experience serves to enhance the student’s understanding of the concepts discussed in the lecture.

  • PHYS 1692 - Physics II Laboratory

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: PHYS 1610 )

    Focuses on experiments in electricity, magnetism and optics. Includes some computer simulations and data collection.
    • 45 lab hours

  • PHYS 1710 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I

    4 credit hour(s)

    (Prerequisite: RDG 0950 ) (Recommended course: PHYS 1792 )* (Pre- or corequisite: MATH 1710 )

    Introduces calculus-based study of mechanics and sound waves for science and engineering students.

    * It is strongly recommended that students take the lab course concurrently with the lecture. The lab experience serves to enhance the student’s understanding of the concepts discussed in the lecture.

  • PHYS 1792 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I Laboratory

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: PHYS 1710 )

    Focuses on real-time experiments in mechanics and waves. Includes computer and data collection and analysis.
    • 45 lab hours

  • PHYS 1810 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II

    4 credit hour(s)

    (Prerequisite: PHYS 1710 ) (Recommended course: PHYS 1892 )* (Pre- or corequisite: MATH 1715 )

    Emphasizes heat, electricity and magnetism for science and engineering students in calculus-based setting.

    * It is strongly recommended that students take the lab course concurrently with the lecture. The lab experience serves to enhance the student’s understanding of the concepts discussed in the lecture.

  • PHYS 1892 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II Laboratory

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Corequisite: PHYS 1810 )

    Focuses on experiments in electricity, magnetism, optics.
    • 45 lab hours

  • PHYS 2710 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers III

    4 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PHYS 1810 ) (Pre- or corequisite: MATH 2710 )

    Emphasizes optics and topics in modern physics for science and engineering students in calculus-based setting.

Paralegal Studies

School of Health, Wellness, & Public Safety (HWPS)

  • PL 1096-1996 - Special Topics

    1-3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: departmant approval)

    Presents various topics.
    (all courses ending in 96 are special topics) See Schedule of Classes.
  • PL 1110 - Introduction to Paralegal Studies

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisites: ENG 0950  + RDG 0950  or appropriate placement scores , Recommended prerequisite: IT 1010 )

    Introduces concepts such as the definition and role of the paralegal, ethical responsibilities, professionalism, the legal system, legal research and analysis, legal and office procedures, technology in the law and topics in substantive law.
  • PL 1120 - American Law and Ethics

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisites: ENG 0950  + RDG 0950  or appropriate placement scores , Recommended Prerequisite:  )

    Covers concepts such as the origins, nature, history and structure of the American legal system and rules of professional conduct for lawyers and paralegals.
  • PL 1130 - Torts

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: PL 1110  + PL 1120 )

    Covers concepts in tort law, concentrating on negligence, products liability, non-physical injuries and their remedies and defenses and an introduction to causes of action.
  • PL 1140 - Legal Research and Writing I

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: BA 1121  + ENG 1101 ) (Pre- or corequisite: PL 1110  + PL 1120 )

    Covers concepts such as the principles and skills of writing case briefs and legal memoranda, with a focus on basic legal research sources and techniques, including Westlaw and other computer-assisted legal research. Significant time is spent at the UNM law library.
  • PL 1150 - Court Operations and Ethics

    3 credit hour(s)
    This course introduces concepts about the New Mexico judiciaries, includes tracking of a civil and criminal case in each court. It also introduces concepts such as ethical and specific court operation issues with an emphasis on ethics in the workplace.
  • PL 2095 - Cooperative Education

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)

    Provides the opportunity to perform paralegal assignments in a legal environment. The student is paid by the cooperating firm and is jointly supervised by CNM and the supervising attorney. The student will be required to meet additional course requirements as provided by the instructor.
    • 135 lab hours

  • PL 2096-2996 - Special Topics

    1-3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)

    Presents various topics.
    (all courses ending in 96 are special topics) See Schedule of Classes.
  • PL 2097 - Independent Study

    1-9 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)

    Explores a specific problem defined by student and instructor in the area of the student’s interest and directly related to the program. Student develops and executes a solution using analytical techniques to the problem. A legal research paper or project is completed. An oral presentation may be required.
  • PL 2098 - Internship

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)

    Provides the opportunity to perform paralegal assignments in a legal environment. The student is jointly supervised by CNM and the supervising attorney and the student will be required to meet additional course requirements as provided by the instructor.
    • 135 lab hours

  • PL 2120 - Civil Litigation

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: CIS 1120  + ENG 1102  + PL 1130  + PL 1140 )

    Covers concepts such as the process of civil litigation from initial client contact through post-trial procedures. Rules of civil procedure and rules of the various courts are covered. Students develop a forms and procedures notebook.
  • PL 2130 - Criminal Litigation

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: CIS 1120  + ENG 1102  + PL 1130  + PL 1140 )

    Covers concepts such as the process of criminal litigation from initial appearance through post-conviction proceedings. Students will draft documents associated with the prosecution or defense at various stages, review rules of criminal procedure of several courts and develop a forms and procedures notebook.
  • PL 2140 - Legal Research and Writing II

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: CIS 1120  + ENG 1102  + PL 1130  + PL 1140 )

    Continues development of legal research, analysis and writing skills, with the focus on advanced legal research problems.
  • PL 2150 - Evidence

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisites: CIS 1120  + ENG 1102  + PL 1130  + PL 1140 ) (Recommended corequisite: CJ 2515 )

    Examines how facts are proved in civil and criminal trials, with focus on rules of evidence in state and federal courts; emphasizes admissibility, relevance, credibility and authenticity of witness testimony, documents and other proof.
  • PL 2160 - Law Office Management

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: CIS 1120  + ENG 1102  + PL 1130  + PL 1140 )

    Prepares students to coordinate and oversee the administrative functions of a small to medium firm. Includes ethics, law office systems, timekeeping, technology and personnel management.
  • PL 2220 - Wills Probate and Estate Planning

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisites: PL 2120  or PL 2130 ; PL 2140  + PL 2150  + PL 2160 )

    Covers concepts such as the drafting of wills and trusts, administration of estates, formal and informal probate proceedings and estate tax returns. A review of the probate code and drafting projects are included.
  • PL 2240 - Paralegal Computer Applications

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PL 1120  + PL 1130  + PL 1140 )

    Course content includes computer applications in legal research including legal databases, internet resources, law-oriented concepts and applications using word processing, spreadsheets, data management programs, and introduces students to various law-oriented software in the area of case management, time and billing, deposition digest and calendaring and docket control.
  • PL 2415 - Business Organizations

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PL 1140  or department approval)

    Covers concepts such as the various types of business entities including sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies and corporations. Agency principles, regulatory requirements and business ethics are also included.
  • PL 2420 - Contract Law

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PL 1140  or department approval)

    Focuses on the law of contracts, rights and responsibilities, formation, consideration, enforceability, remedies and third parties, as well as case study and analysis. The student will draft a written contract.
  • PL 2425 - Domestic Relations

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PL 1140  or department approval)

    Focuses on legal issues in family relations with emphasis on local procedures in the domestic relations court and its satellites.
  • PL 2430 - Constitutional Law

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PL 1140  or department approval)

    Focuses on concepts such as civil rights and liberties under the Constitution, free speech, religious freedom, racial discrimination, group rights, privacy, political participation and various contemporary issues.
  • PL 2435 - Civil Litigation II

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite:   + PL 2140  + PL 2150 )

    Implements concepts learned in Civil Litigation through student participation in the hypothetical case and study, completing more sophisticated tasks in civil litigation, evidence rules, concepts and objections.
  • PL 2440 - Criminal Litigation II

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PL 2130  + PL 2140  + PL 2150 )

    Implements concepts learned in Criminal Litigation through student participation in a hypothetical case and study, completing more sophisticated tasks in criminal litigation, evidence rules, concepts and objections.
  • PL 2445 - Personal Injury Law

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PL 1130  + PL 1140  or department approval)

    Focuses on the medical aspects and documentation of personal injuries in tort, workers’ compensation and Social Security disability law.
  • PL 2450 - Administrative Law

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PL 1140  or department approval)

    Focuses on the policies, practices and procedures of governmental agencies and state and local administrations.
  • PL 2455 - Employment Law

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PL 1140  or department approval)

    Focuses on the history of discrimination law and current federal protections, the principle of equal treatment, litigation involving unequal treatment, seniority, sexual and racial harassment, pay equity, labor relations and remedies.
  • PL 2460 - Native American Law

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PL 1140  or department approval)

    Focuses on Native American law to prepare students to work in private law firms or other settings that specialize in Native American law or that practice in tribal courts or other tribunals, that consider interests of individuals as natives or Indian groups.
  • PL 2465 - Social Security Law

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PL 1140  or department approval)

    Focuses on representing clients through the Social Security administration process, disability evaluation, procedural issues and regulations, federal law and medical terminology.
  • PL 2470 - Bankruptcy Law

    1 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: PL 1140  or department approval)

    Focuses on bankruptcy practice, Bankruptcy Code and Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure.
  • PL 2520 - Mediation

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)

    Introduces fundamental skills involved in mediating disputes. Students find and cover the expenses of their own training programs. CNM supervision of the student’s experience must be arranged between the student and an instructor, for a total of 45 hours under a written agreement provided by the Paralegal Studies office. Students may complete written assignments to fulfill some of the required hours at the discretion of the instructor. The student is jointly evaluated by the mediation trainer and the instructor or will be required to produce a certificate of completion of a recognized mediation training program. The course is offered subject to availability of trainers.
  • PL 2530 - Public Defender

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: department approval)

    Requires students to work 135 hours in the local Public Defender’s Office under the supervision of an attorney or attorney’s designate and become familiar with all forms of case preparation for indigent criminal defendants. CNM supervision of the student’s experience must be arranged between the student and an instructor under a written agreement provided by the Paralegal Studies office. The student is jointly evaluated by the Public Defender’s Office and the instructor. The course is offered subject to availability of a supervising attorney or attorney’s designate.

Plumbing Apprenticeship

School of Applied Technologies

  • PLAP 1117 - Plumbing Apprenticeship

    5-7 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: current full-time employment in the plumbing industry)

    Provides 75-105 hours of classroom instruction, which includes safety, shop and trade math, plumbing processes, blueprint reading and mechanical code (plumbing) interpretation.
  • PLAP 1127 - Plumbing Apprenticeship

    5-7 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: current full-time employment in the plumbing industry)

    Provides 75-105 hours of classroom instruction, which includes safety, shop and trade math, plumbing processes, blueprint reading and mechanical code (plumbing) interpretation.
  • PLAP 1217 - Plumbing Apprenticeship

    5-7 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: current full-time employment in the plumbing industry)

    Provides 75-105 hours of classroom instruction, which includes safety, shop and trade math, plumbing processes, blueprint reading and mechanical code (plumbing) interpretation.
  • PLAP 1227 - Plumbing Apprenticeship

    5-7 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: current full-time employment in the plumbing industry)

    Provides 75-105 hours of classroom instruction, which includes safety, shop and trade math, plumbing processes, blueprint reading and mechanical code (plumbing) interpretation.
  • PLAP 1317 - Plumbing Apprenticeship

    5-7 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: current full-time employment in the plumbing industry)

    Provides 75-105 hours of classroom instruction, which includes safety, shop and trade math, plumbing processes, blueprint reading and mechanical code (plumbing) interpretation.
  • PLAP 1327 - Plumbing Apprenticeship

    5-7 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: current full-time employment in the plumbing industry)

    Provides 75-105 hours of classroom instruction, which includes safety, shop and trade math, plumbing processes, blueprint reading and mechanical code (plumbing) interpretation.
  • PLAP 1417 - Plumbing Apprenticeship

    5-7 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: current full-time employment in the plumbing industry)

    Provides 75-105 hours of classroom instruction, which includes safety, shop and trade math, plumbing processes, blueprint reading and mechanical code (plumbing) interpretation.
  • PLAP 1427 - Plumbing Apprenticeship

    5-7 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: current full-time employment in the plumbing industry)

    Provides 75-105 hours of classroom instruction, which includes safety, shop and trade math, plumbing processes, blueprint reading and mechanical code (plumbing) interpretation.
  • PLAP 1517 - Plumbing Apprenticeship

    5-7 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: current full-time employment in the plumbing industry)

    Provides 75-105 hours of classroom instruction, which includes safety, shop and trade math, plumbing processes, blueprint reading and mechanical code (plumbing) interpretation.
  • PLAP 1527 - Plumbing Apprenticeship

    5-7 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisite: current full-time employment in the plumbing industry)

    Provides 75-105 hours of classroom instruction, which includes safety, shop and trade math, plumbing processes, blueprint reading and mechanical code (plumbing) interpretation.


School of Applied Technologies

  • PLMB 1105 - Plumbing and Safety Fundamentals

    3 credit hour(s)
    (Prerequisites: ENG 0750  + MATH 0750  + RDG 0750  or appropriate placement score  or department approval)

    Introduces the basic fundamentals of plumbing and emphasizes the importance of safety specific to the plumbing trades.
    • 30 theory hours
    • 45 lab hours

  • PLMB 1110 - Blueprint Reading

    2 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: PLMB 1105 )

    Explores interpretation of residential and commercial blueprints and isometric drawings. The students are taught the basics of sketching and design.
    • 15 theory hours
    • 45 lab hours

  • PLMB 1115 - Introduction to Gas Fitting and Pipe Laying

    2 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: PLMB 1110  or department approval)

    Investigates design layout, and installation of piping systems and the fundamentals of gas burning appliances.
    • 15 theory hours
    • 45 lab hours

  • PLMB 1120 - Drain Waste and Vent I

    2 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: PLMB 1115 )

    Emphasizes layout and design of drain and vent systems in residential buildings.
    • 15 theory hours
    • 45 lab hours

  • PLMB 1125 - Drain Waste and Vent II

    2 credit hour(s)
    (Pre- or corequisite: PLMB 1130  or department approval)

    Describes layout and design of drain and vent systems in commercial buildings.
    • 15 theory hours
    • 45 lab hours


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