Jan 14, 2025  
2009 - 2011 CNM Catalog June 2010, Volume 43 with Addendum Information 
2009 - 2011 CNM Catalog June 2010, Volume 43 with Addendum Information [The CNM Academic Year includes Fall, Spring, Summer Terms]

Student Resources

Academic Advisement and Career Development

Academic Advisement and Career Development provides a variety of services to support the academic goals and career plans of each CNM student. Advisors and Career and Educational Specialists are available Monday through Friday to help students prepare for an enjoyable and successful academic experience at CNM. Students are invited to meet with an advisor on a walk-in basis or call to request an appointment at (505) 224-4321.

The department of Academic Advisement and Career Development is ready to assist students.

  • Academic Planning: Students learn to set meaningful academic goals and create an academic plan to reach their academic goals.
  • Career Development: Students work with professional staff to explore career interests and career fields using personal career interest tools and information and resource material available in the Career Resource Center. Please see Program Information  for additional information on career clusters.
  • College Policies and Procedures: Academic Advisors help students navigate through higher education by interpreting college policies and procedures that affect the student’s academic plan.
  • Student Services: Academic Advisors provide information about campus resources and student support services available to help students meet their academic and career goals.
  • Transfer Information: Academic advisors can provide transfer information to students planning to transfer to a four-year college or university.

To access Academic Advisement students can

  • Visit us in person at any CNM campus
  • Visit us real time, online at: cnm.edu/depts/aacd. See the CNM website for hours of availability.
  • E-mail us at [email protected].
  • Call us at (505) 224-4321.

Office Hours

Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with expanded hours during ‘Peak Time’ – see the current Schedule of Classes for expanded ‘Peak Time’ dates and hours.

Career Resource Centers

CNM’s Main and Montoya Career Resource Centers, located within the department of Academic Advisement and Career Development provide students with the opportunity to explore career-related information in order to make an appropriate choice of career and academic major.

Visit the Career Resource Centers for assistance with the following:

  • The Discover® Program is a computer-based career exploration tool that assesses personal abilities, interests and values to help determine which career fields may be a good employment match.
  • Resource Guides: We have books, videos and online information pertaining to many different career fields.
  • Contact Academic Advisement and Career Development at:
    Main Campus, (505) 224-4331
    Montoya Campus, (505) 224-5888
    Westside Campus, (505) 224-530
    South Valley Campus, (505) 224-5056

Career Resource Centers

Main Campus, Room 203 Student Services Building, 900 University Blvd, (505) 224-4344
Montoya Campus, Room 204 Tom Wiley Hall, 4700 Morris N.E., (505) 224-5651

Achievement Coaches

Achievement Coaches support and encourage student success by listening attentively and providing coaching to help students apply their strengths to reach their goals. You will find Achievement Coaches in schools and support programs.

Achievement Coach services include:

  • Academic and personal coaching
  • Campus and community information
  • Classroom presentations and workshops

Visit us at: cnm.edu/achv/index.php

Get to know your Achievement Coach today by calling for an appointment.

Contact Information

School of Applied Technologies, (505) 224-3734
School of Business & Information Technology, (505) 224-3870
School of Communication, Humanities & Social Sciences, (505) 224-3595
Distance Learning, (505) 224-3320
School of Adult & General Education and Center for Working Families, (505) 224-4286
TRIO Student Support Services, (505) 224-4377
School of Math, Science & Engineering, (505) 224-3568
School of Health, Wellness & Public Safety, (505) 224-4132

Assessment Centers (Testing)

CNM’s Assessment Centers offer a variety of tests, most of them to determine course placement. Study guides are available in the Assessment Centers. Testing accommodations for individuals with disabilities are available upon request; documentation and prior notice are required.

Placement examinations administered at CNM are Accuplacer math, reading and English tests; the Biology Placement Exam; the Nursing Basic Math Test; French Placement Exam; Spanish placement exam and; typing tests. Retesting in these exams is available.

The American College Test (ACT) is not offered at CNM. CNM accepts ACT scores for placement in certain courses. CNM also honors SAT, AP and CLEP scores but administers the CLEP exam only to current students.

The GED exam to earn a high school diploma is offered several times a month on a pre-scheduled basis. Call or check the CNM website for current test fees. Several requirements must be met prior to registering for the GED.

Contact Information

Call (505) 224-3244 at Main Campus, (505) 224-5382 at Westside, (505) 224-5761 at the Montoya Campus or (505) 224-5000 at the South Valley Campus.

Campus Life

CNM recognizes that students’ need for a well-rounded educational experience extends beyond just the classroom. In an attempt to ensure that students have the resources needed to be successful and the opportunities to develop their full potential as future leaders and active community members, the following information is provided.


Bookstores sell required texts for CNM courses. In addition, they carry a full range of school supplies and CNM-spirit items (t-shirts, pens, ball caps). Bookstores are available at both Main and Montoya campuses. The hours vary, please call for more information.

Contact Information

Main Campus Bookstore, Student Services Center, (505) 247-9112; Montoya Campus Bookstore, Tom Wiley Hall, (505) 332-7485; cnm.edu/bookstore

Child Care

CNM maintains affiliation with Tres Manos Child Development Center to provide daytime care for children of low-income students and neighborhood residents. Cost of services is on a sliding scale and preference is given to single parents. Students should sign up early, sometimes availability is limited.

Contact Information

Tres Manos Child Development Center, 823 Buena Vista SE (on the south side of Main Campus); (505) 848-1310.

Food Services

Food Services are available at both Main, Montoya and Westside campuses. These areas provide a variety of eating options for students at a range of prices. Hours vary at both sites, students should stop by and find out when there is access to quick food on campus.

Other campuses and instructional sites do offer vending machines for student use.

Contact Information

Main Campus Food Court: Lower level of Student Services Center; Montoya Campus Food Court: H Building; All campuses: Vending machines Food Services; Westside I: Vending machines.

Health Care

A Student Health Center is available on Main Campus. To obtain services, students must be currently enrolled and schedule an appointment by calling the number listed below. First aid and basic primary care services are offered. A co-pay (ranging from $5 to $35) is required for services.

Details about private provider student health insurance are available at the Student Activities Office in the Student Services Center at Main Campus (505) 224-3238 and in Tom Wiley Hall on the Montoya Campus.

Contact Information

Student Health Center (Main Campus): Upper level of Student Services Center; hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; (505) 224-3080.

Honor Society

Phi Theta Kappa is the official international honor society for junior and community colleges. CNM’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa is the Alpha Upsilon Chi chapter. Students who have a declared major in an associate’s degree program, have completed 12 or more credit hours at CNM and have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher are invited to join Phi Theta Kappa.

Contact Information

Dean of Students Office (Main Campus): Upper level of Student Services Center; hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; (505) 224-4342.


CNM is a non-residential college so there is no housing available on campus. However, there are numerous apartment complexes and rental homes in the vicinity of campus. Many local renters do maintain postings of their available rentals in the Main Campus Student Activities Office for your use. Most postings are for the area in and around the Main Campus.

Contact Information

Information regarding rental housing near Main Campus is available from Student Activities Office (Main Campus), room SSC109.

ID Cards

As a student, you are required to have a CNM ID. Many services on campus require the ID to access the service and having an ID is the quickest and easiest way to verify your eligibility for tax-free purchasing in the bookstore and student discounts in many Albuquerque-area businesses.

Contact Information

Main Campus, Student ID Office, SSC 109; Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ; (505) 224-3238. Montoya Campus, Tom Wiley Hall, room “A”. Call ahead for hours; (505) 224-5546.


Parking is currently free at most campus lots, although students must register vehicles with Security and display a parking registration sticker when parking on any CNM campus. Parking registration stickers are available free at the Admissions information counter in the Student Services Building at the Main and Montoya campuses and in the administrative offices at the South Valley Campus and Westside Campus. At Main Campus, students may purchase permits for permit-only and gated parking lots. Permits must be displayed from the rearview mirror. Gated lots are open and free after 4:30 p.m. Monday – Thursday and all day on Friday. Meters are enforced Monday – Friday until 4:30 p.m. Spaces are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Parking violations may result in disciplinary action against car owners. Cars parked in fire lanes, in spaces reserved for the handicapped, or having three unpaid citations are subject to towing. More information is available in the Schedule of Classes.

Contact Information

Parking Services, (505) 224-4637; [email protected]; cnm.edu/parking/index.php


For Campus Emergencies on any campus, call (505) 224-3001.

These numbers directly connect any campus phone to the “Emergency Phone” in the Campus Security Dispatch and should be used only when an emergency arises such as fire, violent crimes or when medical response is required.

Code Blue Phones

Outdoor emergency “code blue” phones are located across CNM campuses. These telephones are housed in highly visible, lighted blue call boxes and provide one-button speed dialing for instant communication with campus security.

Contact Information

Main Campus Security Department; 901 Buena Vista SE; Physical Plant Building; hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; (505) 224-3002.

Motorist Assistance

CNM Security assists the CNM community when individuals are unable to start their vehicles, retrieve locked keys, etc. Some services are not available at all times, but CNM Security will assist people to obtain services from another source.

Contact Information

Motorists will be required to sign a service disclaimer before any service is rendered. Assistance may be requested by calling Security Dispatch at (505) 224-3002.

Security Escort Services

The Security Department provides a security escort service. The service is available 24 hours a day, but is limited to on-campus locations. Call (505) 224-3002 to request an escort.

Additional security information and crime statistics (in compliance with the Cleary Act) are listed in the Security Department’s Annual Report available from the Security Department.

Contact Information

Main Campus Security Department; 901 Buena Vista SE; Physical Plant Building; hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; (505) 224-3002.

Student Activities

CNM offers its students a number of activities, which are meant to enrich life on campus and to provide for a complete and holistic approach to a students’ educational experience. Students can become a member of the Executive Council of Students (CNM’s Student Government), join a club or organization – there are well over 30 available – or take part in activities and events that are provided throughout the year.

Contact Information

Main Campus, Student Activities Office, SSC 109; (505) 224-3238.


Sun Tran, Albuquerque’s public transit system, has routes that serve CNM’s Main, Montoya, Westside and South Valley campuses. Schedules are available at the Student Services Center on Main Campus or from Sun Tran.

Bicycle racks are available at all of our campuses.

Contact Information

Sun Tran, (505) 843-9200; cabq.gov/transit

Voter Registration

CNM students may register to vote at any CNM campus.

Contact Information

Main and Montoya campuses: Admissions Offices or Student Activities Office, (505) 224-3160; Main Office at the South Valley Campus or Westside Campus, (505) 224-5301.

Center for Community Programs and Partnerships

The Center for Community Programs and Partnerships (C2P2) provides students with academic and non-academic support based programs designed to improve the student’s life and academic coursework while enrolled at CNM. The staff is dedicated to providing students with a safe and exciting learning environment. Center for Community Programs and Partnerships students can build upon their interpersonal skills and leadership development while completing their academic coursework.

Pew Foundation Leadership Program

CNM offers a unique opportunity for students to develop their leadership skills and become more marketable in applying for jobs after graduation. The Pew Foundation Leadership Plenty Program is designed to provide extensive training in leadership and civic engagement opportunities to become a student leader in the Albuquerque community.

Students interested in becoming part of this program should call The Center for Community Programs and Partnerships for the upcoming academic year.

Contact Information

The Center for Community Programs and Partnerships: (505) 224-4359

President’s Volunteer Service Award

CNM and the United States have a long and proud tradition of service to the community. Recognizing and honoring volunteers sets a standard for service to others. The President’s Volunteer Service Award is a recognition program for Americans who contribute a significant amount of time to volunteer service. The Center for Community Programs and Partnerships facilitates this award program.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

Phi Theta Kappa is the official international honor society for two-year colleges. Phi Theta Kappa’s main function is to reward the hard work of students who excel academically, to organize service projects and to coordinate honors study topics. CNM’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa is Alpha Upsilon Chi. Membership is by invitation only, and letters of invitation are sent out throughout the year. To be eligible, students must have declared a major in an associate degree program, completed 12 or more credit hours at CNM and have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Civic Engagement Leadership Institute

The CNM Civic Engagement Leadership Institute promotes civic responsibility and engagement between the college and the community. The leadership training is sponsored by the American Association of Community Colleges and Pew Partnership for Civic Change, known as LeadershipPlenty, along with CNM, and facilitated through the Center for Community Programs and Partnerships. Civic Engagement Leadership Institute participants develop their leadership skills as active students and citizens within our communities.

Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)

Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) is a national student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Technology Education Division (HSTE). HOSA’s two-fold mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. All health occupations students and instructors are encouraged to participate in the CNM Chapter of HOSA.

CNM was the first post-secondary school in New Mexico to obtain state chartered status. For more information, please contact CNM Student Activities and join the CNM Chapter of HOSA. Visit the HOSA website at hosa.org.

New Mexico SkillsUSA

An emphasis is placed on helping students who are preparing for careers and will participate in skill-related competitions. Each year students in this organization compete at both the state and national levels. SkillsUSA is dedicated to building champions for America’s work force. Participation with this organization prepares students as professionals in trades industries and technology fields, skilled service occupations and health occupations.

Reading Kids Count

Reading is a key to success in education and life. Reading Kids Count tutors work at pre-selected school sites with children in grades K-5. This program is ideal for those students who wish to pursue a career in education, as well as those who demonstrate an interest in working with children. Students who wish to work in this rewarding environment must be: financial-aid eligible; in good academic standing; able to work 20 hours per week; have reliable transportation; agree to comply with school and departmental standards and must successfully pass a criminal background check.

Contact Information

Center for Community Programs and Partnerships, Main Campus, (505) 224-4359 or (505) 224-3265, weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

College Success Experience Courses

CNM offers both developmental education and transfer-level College Success Experience (CSE) courses. These courses help students get organized, manage their time, set and meet goals, and study effectively. Students also explore career options, develop new learning strategies and self-motivation, and find new ways to approach tests and assignments in other disciplines. CSE courses numbered 0999 and below are graded CR/NC (credit/no credit); CSE courses numbered 1000 and above can be taken for a letter grade, taken CR/NC, or audited. See the Course Descriptions  section for detailed course descriptions.

Full-time students who test into two or more developmental areas (Math, Reading, or English classes numbered below 1000) are required to take a CSE course. Qualifying students who score between 0-68 on the Accuplacer Reading test should enroll in CSE 0650; students who score 69 or higher on the Accuplacer Reading test should enroll in CSE 1101 .

Contact Information

Main Campus, Max Salazar Hall, (505) 224-3939

Computer Labs

Computer labs are available for student use at all CNM locations. A complete listing of locations and phone numbers can be found in the Schedule of Classes. Be sure to call ahead because times may vary throughout the school year.

Contact Information

Main Campus, E-100, (505) 224-3919
N-Networking Lab, (505) 224-3920
Main Campus, Business Resource Center, Room SB-210, (505) 224-3840
Main Campus, MS109 and MS110, (505) 224-3579
Montoya Campus, H-124, (505) 224-5596
South Valley Campus, (505) 224-5000
Westside Campus, (505) 224-5335
Workforce Training Center, (505) 224-5200

Job Connection Center

Graduate Employment

Job Connection Center collects employment information from CNM graduates and publishes the data at the end of each academic year. Every effort is made to reach all graduates from CNM’s degree and certificate programs, though not all graduates report their wages.

The graduate employment statistics exclude graduates who were not located; those not seeking training-related jobs; and those continuing school or serving in the military. CNM programs with no graduates for this reporting cycle are not listed. The hourly wage range does not necessarily reflect entry-level pay. Wages for individuals who worked in a training-related field prior to completion of their degree or certificate program are only reflected for those who reported a promotion or pay increase as a result of acquiring their degree/certificate.

For more in-depth information about the graduate employment data on these pages, contact the Job Connection Center. For local and state employment and wage trends, refer to dol.state.nm.us/eds/index.html. National employment and wage trends are available at acinet.org.

Contact Information

Main Campus: (505) 224-3060, cnm.edu/depts/jcc


The CNM libraries at the Main and Montoya campuses provide a variety of resources designed to meet the information needs of CNM students, faculty, staff and community patrons. The libraries serve as the major information resource for CNM and provide the information services and resources necessary to support the college’s mission. The libraries require students and employees to provide their CNM ID when accessing services that require identification verification. ID Office hours and locations are printed in the Schedule of Classes.

Contact Information

The Main Campus Library is located at 2000 Coal Avenue SE in Jeannette Stromberg Hall (JS Building), 4th floor.
Main Circulation Desk, (505) 224-3274
Main Reference Desk, (505) 224-3285
Main Media Desk, (505) 224-3302

The Montoya Campus Library is located at 4700 Morris NE in the J Building, Room 123.
Montoya Circulation/Media Desk, (505) 224-5721
Montoya Reference Desk, (505) 224-5730

Library Hours

When classes are in session, CNM Libraries are open:
Monday–Thursday: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Main) 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Montoya)
Sunday: Closed

Term Break hours are Monday–Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Contact the libraries for more information for holidays and special closings.

CNM Libraries on the Internet

Access online information through cnm.edu, including: the library catalog with book, video and serials holdings; full-text articles from thousands of magazines, journals and newspapers using online academic research databases; an electronic reference service to ask a question via your e-mail; and online forms to make inter-library loan requests. Students can also provide the libraries with suggestions for the purchase of books and other materials, schedule library tours and get assistance with off-campus access to databases.

Services Offered by the CNM Libraries

  • Public access computers with Internet capabilities are available for searching library holdings or the World Wide Web.
  • Staff are available during library hours to assist patrons in locating materials, Internet searching and answering reference questions.
  • Library instruction workshops ranging from general orientation tours to specialized workshops for students, faculty or staff.
  • Staff collaboration with instructors on classroom assignments or research topics.
  • Personalized reference and research consultation by appointment.
  • Intra-library loan services for books held at either library.
  • Inter-library loan services for patrons wishing to borrow materials from regional or national libraries, convenient online forms for books or articles.
  • Joint access agreement which allows CNM Students and Employees to check out materials from other New Mexico Academic Libraries

Library Holdings

  • Circulating book collection of approximately 30,000 titles at Main Library and 16,000 at Montoya Library.
  • Reference collection of approximately 7,000 titles at Main Library and 3,000 at Montoya Library.
  • Audiovisual collection selected to support the CNM curriculum of approximately 4,300 video titles at Main Library and 700 at Montoya Library.
  • Serials collection of over 700 titles in print version—includes peer-reviewed journals, magazines, and newspapers.
  • Vertical file collection of over 5,000 items including local TVI/CNM archive, information of interest about New Mexico, consumer information pamphlets, current social issues, travel and leisure brochures and much more.


my CNM is the college’s online communication and enrollment system. Through my CNM students have access to:

  • up to date information on campus services and events
  • online registration, registration updates and tools
  • tuition/fee information and make online payments
  • order textbooks online
  • their class schedule, final grades and CNM transcript
  • financial aid information
  • their CNM student email
  • online academic advisement
  • library and other CNM resources
  • graduation information and processes
  • and much, much more

Access to my CNM is available from CNM’s Web page (cnm.edu). Students must use their username and password to enter the system. First-time users and those who have forgotten their username or password should click on the appropriate links to get that information.

Contact Information

ITS Service Desk, (505) 224-4357

Special Services

Special Services assists students with physical, mental, learning, visual, speech or hearing disabilities. Career counseling, program planning, classroom accommodations, adaptive equipment, coordination with community support agencies and specialized learning plans are available. Follow-up services (counseling and job-seeking help) are also provided.

Contact Information

Main Campus, (505) 224-3259
Montoya Campus, (505) 224-5946

TRIO Student Support Services

The TRIO Student Support Services program is funded by U.S. Department of Education. The goal of the program is to help students graduate from a CNM program and as appropriate transfer to a four-year university. Students are eligible if they: are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident; have an academic need; are preparing for an associate degree and/or plan to transfer to a four year university; belong to one or more of the following categories: income eligible and/or first generation college student (parent(s) or guardian(s) do not have a four-year degree) and/or have a documented disability.

Services include academic and career guidance; math, science and English tutoring; college success workshops; university transfer assistance and cultural-educational activities and student leadership opportunities. The TRIO Student Support Services program has limited student enrollment. Applications are accepted the last two weeks of each term. Staff will contact applicants in the event of an opening.

Contact Information

Main Campus, Student Services Center, Suite 101, (505) 224-4375.

Tutoring Services

The Assistance Centers for Education (ACE) provides learning support at all CNM campuses by offering one-to-one and small-group learning assistance, reinforcing classroom concepts, fostering independent thinking and helping develop problem-solving skills. ACE is part of the School of Adult & General Education. Services are available free to students. ACE is certified by the college Reading and Learning Association and certified tutors are available to help students in a variety of subjects. Visit the ACE website at cnm.edu/depts/ace/

The Tutorial/Learning Centers (T/LC)

The Tutorial/Learning Centers (T/LC) are open to all students and the general public. Individual tutoring in English, math, sciences and other areas is provided on a walk-in basis. Additional instructional resources include videos, reference materials and workbooks.

Contact Information

Main Campus T/LC, Jeannette Stromberg Hall, (505) 224-4306
Montoya Campus T/LC, J Building, (505) 224-5990
South Valley Campus, (505) 224-5067
Westside Campus, (505) 224-5311

The Adult Education Learning Centers (AELC)

The Adult Education Learning Centers (AELC) are open to all adult basic education students. Individual and small group tutoring is available on a walk-in and by appointment basis. Subjects covered are English as a Second Language (ESL) and GED preparation, Literacy and Citizenship. Additional instructional resources include videos, reference materials, workbooks and conversation groups.

Contact Information

Main Campus, Ken Chappy Hall, Room 6, (505) 224-4312
Montoya Campus, J Building, (505) 224-5995
South Valley Campus, (505) 224-5067
Westside Campus, (505) 224-5311

The Writing and Reading Assistance Centers (WRAC)

The Writing and Reading Assistance Centers (WRAC) are open to all students in developmental education courses. Individual and small group tutoring is available on a walk-in and by appointment basis. Topics covered are pre-writing techniques, outlining strategies, essay organization, summary writing, grammar, vocabulary building, reading comprehension, test preparation, study skills and other concepts covered in reading and writing courses. Additional instructional resources include videos, reference materials and computers with writing and reading software.

Contact Information

Main Campus WRAC, Ken Chappy Hall, Room 8, (505) 224-3954
Montoya Campus, J Building, (505) 224-5990
South Valley Campus, (505) 224-5067
Westside Campus, (505) 224-5311

The Math Learning Centers (MLC)

The Math Learning Centers (MLC) are open to all developmental math students. One-to-one and small-group tutoring is available on a walk-in basis. Additional instructional resources include handouts, videos, reference materials and computer software.

Contact Information

Main Campus, Ken Chappy Hall, Room 4, (505) 224-3989
Montoya Campus, J Building, (505) 224-5990
South Valley Campus, (505) 224-5067
Westside Campus, (505) 224-5311

The Open Computer Lab (OCL)

The Open Computer Lab (OCL) is open to students and members of the public. The lab has over 60 computers, including three Macintosh computers, with various software packages for educational and personal use on a first-come, first-served basis. Staff members are on duty to provide general assistance.

Contact Information

Main Campus, Jeannette Stromberg Hall, (505) 224-4314

Literacy Volunteers

The Literacy Volunteers at CNM offer free tutoring services that bring together adult learners and volunteer tutors. One-to-one tutoring is available by appointment. Subjects covered are literacy, English as a Second Language (ESL), GED preparation and citizenship.

Contact Information

Main Campus, (505) 224-4313

The Supplemental Instruction Program (SIP)

The Supplemental Instruction Program (SIP) provides peer-assisted study sessions for targeted, traditionally difficult courses. Student leaders are recommended by faculty, attend intensive training and facilitate regularly scheduled study groups with the goal of improved student success leading to increased retention and completion.

Contact Information

Main Campus, Jeannette Stromberg Hall, (505) 224-4714

Online Tutoring

Free Online Tutoring is available to CNM students for selected courses to include math, English, science, economics and Spanish. Students can go online for drop-in live sessions (available 24-7 for Math), prescheduled appointments, or they may submit questions/papers with a 24-hour turnaround. In addition, other academic resources are available through the website, cnm.edu/depts/ace.

Contact Information

Main Campus, Jeannette Stromberg Hall, (505) 224-4308

Business Resource Center (BRC)

Located at Main and Montoya campuses, the BRC is for students in the School of Business & Information Technology for the purpose of completing homework assignments and research projects as well as to practice skills and receive assistance with computer course work, business math or accounting.

Contact Information

Main Campus, Smith Brasher Hall, (505) 224-3840
Montoya Campus, H Building, (505) 224-5596

Applied Technologies Center

The Tech Center provides students in the School of Applied Technologies access to facilities, equipment and support needed for the continued study and execution of labs and class work beyond normally scheduled class hours.

Contact Information

Main Campus, S Building, (505) 224-3366

WorkKeys® and KeyTrain™

What do successful administrators, health care providers, information technology specialists, teachers, technicians and other high-paid, high-skilled professionals have in common? All share certain fundamental learning and job essential skills that have enabled them to be successful in school, at work and in life!

CNM uses two systems called WorkKeys and KeyTrain to identify, measure and teach nine of the most important essential skills. These include such key abilities as Business Writing, Listening, Locating Information, Observation, and Teamwork. These are the required skills for the 21st century workforce.

Students may go to the WorkKeys/KeyTrain Center located in the Ted Chavez Building (TC 107) to take the WorkKeys tests and/or to get help with KeyTrain (the internet-based skills tutorial program). Call (505) 224-4235 or go to cnm.edu/depts/workkeys/center.php for the testing center’s hours. Students do not need to schedule testing. However, those interested should call in advance just to verify the center is open.

CNM’s career analyst is available to assist you in with WorkKeys and KeyTrain.

Contact Information

Contact the Career Analyst at (505) 224-4435 or visit cnm.edu/depts/workkeys/index/php.